charts and Graphs


charts and Graphs
mari  R
FlashCards por mari R, atualizado more than 1 year ago
mari  R
Criado por mari R aproximadamente 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Flow chart diagram (yes /no nods) graphical representation of processes. use to identify and anticipate problems. plan control quality, and identify risk
It represents a situation as a set of outcomes and influences as well as the relationships and effects between them. Used in decision making with uncertain conditions. ojo: it doesn't have numbers but it's a quantitative risk analysis
Milestone Chart: graphical representation of significant points in the project. shows the project schedule at a high-level for executives. develop schedule. it is used along with the bar chart The bar chart can be more detailed and it's used for a specif period since it would be too long. also the bar chart includes the start/end dates
Bubble chart: graphical chart showing three dimensions: Proximity, detectability and impact value. use to determine the most prevalent errors to focus corrective action. qualitative risk analysis
Tracks work to be completed in the iteration backlog. Use to analyzes variances with respect to an ideal burndown based on commitments. control schedule.


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