
RATs and Exams
Sam Adeyiga
FlashCards por Sam Adeyiga, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Sam Adeyiga
Criado por Sam Adeyiga mais de 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Therapeutic range for Carbamazepine: 4-12 mcg/mL
Therapeutic range for Phenytoin: Total = 10-20 mcg/mL; Free = 1-2 mcg/mL
Therapeutic range for Phenobarbital: 10-40 mcg/mL
Therapeutic range for Valproic acid: 50-100 mcg/mL
Long term adverse effects ketogenic diet 1. kidney stones. 2. increased bone fractures. 3. slowed growth or weight gain. 4. constipation. 5. dehydration. 6. hypercholesterolemia.
Adverse effects of VNS 1. hoarseness 2. cough 3. nausea 4. occasional neck pain, or 5. a tingling sensation during stimulation
Serious adverse effects of VNS 1. infection at the operative site or low-grade fever 2. paralysis of the vagal nerve, left face, or left vocal cord; and 3. urinary retention.
AEDS that require renal adjustments [Hint] FEG FBM EZG GBP
AEDS that require renal adjustments [Hint] LLBP AEDS that require renal adjustments [Hint] LCM LEV BRV PER
AEDS that require renal adjustments [Hint] PTZ PBG TPM ZNS
Drugs w/ CYP 450 metabolism HINT: VP-COPP VPA PER CBZ OXC PHB & PHT
Factors that favor successful withdrawal of AED therapy 1. Patients who are seizure-free for 2 to 4 years 2. Patients who achieve complete seizure control within 1 year of onset. 3. whose seizure onset >2 years old and <35 years old; and 4. Patients that have a normal EEG and neurologic examination.
Poor prognostic indicators that may warrant lifelong therapy 1. high seizure frequency 2. repeated status epilepticus episodes 3. a combination of seizure types 4. development of abnormal mental functioning


NA CONSTITUIÇÃO - Princípios Gerais
Dicionário de Química
Alessandra S.
Princípios do Direito Tributário
Jessica Midori
Conceitos de Contabilidade
Alessandra S.
Brasil Colônia
Andreia Pinheiro
Mapa Mental - Como Criar um Mapa Mental
Adelaide Silva A
Psicologia Social Contemporânea
Modelos Atômicos
Marcos do Help
Thamy Procopio
Princípios Fundamentais
Lavs Agah