

Let us learn fucntions
Aparna Dhirde
FlashCards por Aparna Dhirde, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Aparna Dhirde
Criado por Aparna Dhirde mais de 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Function A named sequence of statements that performs some useful operation. Functions may or may not take arguments and may or may not produce a result.
Function Definition A statement that creates a new function, specifying its name, parameters and the statements it executes.
Function Object A value created by a Function Definition. The name of the function is a variable that refers to a function object.
Function Header The first line of a function definition
Function Body The sequence of statements inside a function definition.
Parameter A name used inside a function to refer to the value passed as an argument.
Function Call A statement that executes a function, having function name with argument list.
Argument A value provided to a function when the function is called. This value is assigned to the corresponding parameter in the function.
Local Variable A variable defined inside the function. A local variable can only be used inside its function. Scope of variable is inside function only.
Global Variable A Variable defined outside the function. A global variable can be used throughout the program. Scope of variable is in the whole program.
Return Value It is the result of a function. If a function call is used as an expression, the return value is the value of the expression.
Module A file that contains a collection of related functions & other definitions.
Import statement A statement that reads a module file & creates a module object.
Dot notation The syntax for calling a function in another module by specifying the module name followed by a dot (Period) & the function name.
Flow of execution The order in which statements are executed during a program run.
Default Parameter A default value is a value that is predecided and assigned to the parameter when the function call does not have its corresponding argument.
Good Programming Practice Only using the required function(s) rather than importing a module saves memory.
"""Docstrings""" It is also called Python documentation strings. It is a multiline comment that is added to describe the modules, functions, etc. They are typically added as the first line, using 3 double quotes.


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