Java Software Development Units 6-9


Java Software Development FlashCards sobre Java Software Development Units 6-9, criado por nina.evangelou em 18-09-2013.
FlashCards por nina.evangelou, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por nina.evangelou aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
anthropomorphism The attribution of human personality to what is not human (in the case of this course, to software entities)
coordinating class The class of the coordinating object.
coordinating message A message from the user interface to the coordinating object to initiate the core system behaviour required for a use case, or part of a use case
coordinating method The method invoked on receipt of a coordinating message.
core object An object contained within the core system.
dynamic model A model illustrating actions and interactions within the system when the system is in operation. In this course, a dynamic model consists of a walk-through and a sequence diagram, in the context of a particular scenario.
implementation model A model specifying the actual classes that will be used to implement the system. It contains a structural model and dynamic models. Its structural model is the final result of the evolution of the initial structural model.
navigate To access an object or objects from another object by using a link or links of an association.
one-way association An association that is navigated in only one direction
one-way link A link of a one-way association
scenario An example (instance) of a use case involving particular example objects.
two-way association An association that is navigated in both directions
two-way link A link of a two-way association.
walk-through A list of individual steps within the core system which carry out a use case in the context of particular scenario.
alternative scenario A (valid) scenario for which the use case requirements specify an alternative course of action.
design principle A guideline for which objects should be allocated which kinds of task, and how the objects should communicate.
cascading A design where, to get an object r to perform a task, an object p sends a message to an object q asking it to ask r to perform its task, and sends a message to r asking it to perform its task
design principle A guideline for which objects should be allocated which kinds of task, and how the objects should communicate.
forking A design where, to get an object to perform a task, an object sends a message to an object asking it for returns , and then sends a message to asking it to perform the task.
information expert An object which most readily has to hand the information needed to carry out a particular task.
invalid scenario A scenario where a pre-condition is broken.
valid scenario A scenario where no pre-condition is broken
working scenario Code that sets up a typical set of objects and implements the design for a use case in a very basic way as a ‘proof of concept’.
buckets Storage compartments used when storing elements in a collection, such as a set.
enumerated type (enum) A user-defined Java type that can take on only one of a finite set of values specified by the programmer when the type is defined
forwarding method A method in which the corresponding message is forwarded to an object being used by composition.
hashcode A value returned by a hashCode() method, used by Java in hashing.
hashing A technique that speeds up searching a collection
interface type An interface declared as the type of a variable or method answer.
refactoring The process of amending a system’s structure, while retaining its behaviour, in order to improve its quality.
user-defined type A type defined by the user, augmenting those provided by the Java API.
utility class A class which is not specific to the particular system under development, but which has potentially wider applicability
test method A method which tests another method.
test suite A grouping of test classes.
test-driven development An approach to coding and testing in which tests are written based on the specification of the aspect of the system under test, before the code is written
unit testing Testing individual units of software in the system: in an object-oriented approach, units may be considered to be methods, or classes.
use case-driven An approach to implementation in which each use case is tackled one by one: having coded and tested the methods involved in one use case, another use case is tackled.
validation Checking that all aspects of the system and its project documentation are consistent with the customer’s requirements. In other words, has the right system been built?
verification Checking that all aspects of the system and its project documentation are consistent and complete with respect to each other. In other words, has the system been built right?
white box testing Testing which involves examination of code.


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