The Cattle Industry And Ranchers


FlashCards sobre The Cattle Industry And Ranchers, criado por chloecouper em 05-03-2015.
FlashCards por chloecouper, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por chloecouper quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Who had been introduced to Cattle in America? European Invaders
What was the most famous breed of cattle? Texas Longhorn
Where were the cattle driven? To markets to get sold
What happened to the cattle when soldiers came back to their herds? The herds had grown
What were the new markets?> Us army in the west, indians on reservations and railroad builders
What did the development of the railroad mean? That beef can get to markets easier
What was the first cow town called? Abilene
Who were the first people to drive their cattle out of Texas? Charles Goodnight and Oliver Loving
Who was Joseph McCoy? The man who created Abilene
3 problems to Cattlemen Conflict with Homesteaders, Texas fever and The drives were long and tough
What was the Open Range? Unfenced and Unowned land where cattle came roam around
Why was the Open Range successful? Plains Indians were defeated, The railroad helped and buffalo were gone
Why did the Open Range end? Overgrazing, The winters of 1886 and 1887
What was life like for cowboys? Drove cattle from Texas to cow towns Treated sick cattle Repaired fences when ranching took over from the long drive Protected the cattle from rustlers Loaded cattle into cattle truck
When was the Johnson County war? 1892
Who was the war between? Barons and homesteaders
What was the flashpoint in 1892? The WSGA plan where 24 men were hired to kill 70 men
What 3 threats were there to the barons? Beef prices falling, Homesteaders setting on land and cattle rusting
4 reasons why the cattle industry declined? Overgrazing, Drought, Unemployment and The winter of 1866-67
Why did the cattle industry grow? Railroad, cattle trails and cow towns
Cowboys year? Spring- Round up/Branding Early-Late Summer- Long drive COWTOWNS-Paid, Gambling and Drinking WINTER LINE CAMP


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