Histology - Connective


histology for practical
FlashCards por newsha, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por newsha quase 10 anos atrás

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Questão Responda
A. Name B. Type of protein fibers C. Function D. 3 embryonic germ layers A. Mesenchyme Connective Tissue B. Reticular Fibers and Collagen C. Gives rise to all other connective tissue D. Mesoderm, Endoderm, Ectoderm
A. Name B. Main cell type C. Two types of protein fibers found in this tissue D. Function E. Two locations A. Areolar or loose connective tissue B. Fibroblast C. Elastic fiber and collagen fiber D. Loose binding/ holds nerves and blood vessels in place E. Subcutaneous layers and fascia between muscles
A. Name B. Type of cell C. name two locations D. two functions A. Adipose Connective Tissue B. Adipocyte C. breasts, heart surface D. energy storage, thermal insulation
A. Name B. Type of protein fibers C. Function D. Cells that produce the fibers E. Two locations A. Reticular Connective Tissue B. Reticular Fibers C. Binds and supports soft tissues D. Reticular cells E. Lymph nodes, spleen
**** A. Name of the specific tissue type B. Cell type C. [[[Type of protein in this connective tissue]]] D. Function of this tissue E. Name two locations A. Dense Regular Connective Tissue B. Fibroblasts C. Collagen D. Strong attachment points and tensile strength E. Ligaments and Tendons
A. Name B. Major protein C. Cell type D. Location E. General function A. Dense irregular connective tissue B. Collagen C. Fibroblasts D. Deeper portion of dermis E. Multi-directional strength
A. Name B. Cell Type C. [[[Term for material making up matrix]]] D. Function E. Two locations A. Hyaline Cartilage B. Chondrocyte C. Ground substance D. Non-rigid support E. Nose, fetal skeleton
A. Name B. [[[How is this distinguished from DCT?]]] C. Cell type D. Sign't protein in matrix E. Function F. Cavities the cells are located in G. Two locations A. Fibrocartilage Connective Tissue B. Round lacunae in the fibers C. Chondrocyte D. Collagen E. Withstand high pressure F. Lacunae G. Intervertebral discs, knees
A. Name B. Unique protein to this CT C. Two locations D. Function A. Elastic Cartilage Connective Tissue B. Elastin C. External ear, epiglottis D. Flexible support
A. Name B. Cell type C. Cavities cells are located in D. Dark area in center E. Two structures found in this dark center area F. Tiny, crack-like lines radiating outward from center G. Function of above structures H. General function of this tissue A. Osseus (Bone) Connective Tissue B. Osteocytes C. Lacunae D. Haversian (central) canal E. Blood vessels and nerves F. Canaliculi G. Diffusion of nutrients and waste H. Rigid support, mineral storage
A. Name of specific tissue type B. Main cell type C. Function of these cells D. Cells that picks up darker stain (blue) and are fewer in number E. General function of these darker staining cells A. Blood/Vascular Connective Tissue B. Erythrocytes C. Transport of respiratory gases D. Leukocytes E. Defense and immunity


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