Place value plenary


This activity is designed as part of my personal development with digital technology.
Nigel Hooson
FlashCards por Nigel Hooson, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Nigel Hooson
Criado por Nigel Hooson mais de 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is the value of 8 in the following number? 28,993 a. eight hundred b. eight thousand c. eight thousand, nine hundred and ninety-three d. eight
What is the value of 6 in the following number? 3, 652 a. six hundred b. six thousand c. six hundred and fifty-two d. six
What is the value of the number 3 places from the ones? 2, 567 a. two thousand b. two thousand five hundred and sixty-seven c. two hundred d. two
What is the value of the second number from the ones? 5, 643 a. four b. fourty c. forty d. two
Identify the value of the number 6 places to the left. 5, 432,761 a. four b. four million c. four thousand d. four hundred thousand


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