

Valentino Bermudez
FlashCards por Valentino Bermudez, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Valentino Bermudez
Criado por Valentino Bermudez aproximadamente 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Blood vessel Any of the tubes in the body through which the blood flows. (vaso sanguíneo)
Muscle Any of the bundles of fibres/fibers in the body which, by contracting or relaxing, cause movement of the body. (músculo)
Pump To cause to flow by means of a pump or pumplike organ or device. (bombear sangre)
Atrium Either of the two upper chambers of the heart that send blood around the body; auricle. (arteria)
Ventricle Either of two small, hollow spaces, one in each side of the heart, that force blood into the tubes leading from the heart to the other parts of the body. (ventrículo)
Ribs Any one of the bones which curve round and forward from the backbone, enclosing the heart and lungs. (costillas)
Lungs The pair of organs of breathing, in man and other animals. (pulmones)
Heart The organ which pumps blood through the body. (corazón)
Blood The red liquid that flows around your body. (sangre)
Chambers in heart The heart has four chambers: two atria and two ventricles. (cámaras en el corazón)
Hand tightly As tight as can be made by the strength of one's hand wielding a standard tool. (mano apretada)
Valves Something that opens and closes to control the flow of liquid. (válvula)
Pulse The regular movement of blood through your body when your heart is beating. (pulso)
Vein Any of the tubes that carry the blood back to the heart. (vena)
Artery A blood-vessel that carries the blood from the heart through the body. (arteria)
Oxygen An element, a gas without taste, color or smell, forming part of the air. (oxígeno)
Weight How heavy someone or something is. (peso)
Circulation The movement of blood around the body. (circulación)
Germs A very small living thing that causes disease. (microbio, germen)
Platelet A very small cell in the blood that makes it thicker and more solid in order to stop bleeding caused by an injury. (plaqueta)
Plaque A substance containing bacteria that forms on the surface of teeth. (placa dental)
Disease An illness. (enfermedad)
White blood cells A cell in the blood that has no red colour and is involved in the fight against infection. (glóbulos blancos)
Red blood cells Any of the cells that carry oxygen around the body. (glóbulos rojos)
Heart attack A serious medical condition in which the heart stops working correctly. (ataque al corazón)
Stethoscope A piece of medical equipment that doctors use to listen to your heart and lungs. (estetoscopio)


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