World War One AP Test Prep- Chapter 23 Review


AP Chapter 23 test review on World War I topics and events leading up to WWI. (Includes the Great Depression, the Russian Revolution, and the effects of world war 1)
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Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
On June 28, 1914, the Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian throne, was assassinated in the Bosnian city of... Sarajevo
Using the Schlieffen Plan, Germany invaded France by way of Belgium
The general attitude toward the prospect of a Europe-wide war among the people of Europe in the summer of 1914 was one of... Naively romantic enthusiasm for the adventure of war
In a failed effort to open the Balkan Front, in 1915 the British launched an attack on... Gallipoli
Among the major illusions held by civilians and military leaders early in WW1 was... The belief of most military leaders that the use of still larger numbers of troops would allow them to get their troops beyond the enemy trenches and gain a quick victory.
The final German offensive was stopped on July 18, 1918 at the... Second Battle of the Marne
The troops of which country turned the tide of the war in 1918? The United States
The United States... Took an idealistic stance at the Paris Peace Confrence
The Siberian peasant who had great influence on the Russian Tsarina was... Rasputin
Tsar Nicholas II abdicated his throne as a result of strikes that broke out... After working class women staged a massive food march in Petrograd
The Provisional Government that took power after the Tsar abdicated was headed by... Alexander Kerensky
The Soviets were... Councils of workers' and soldiers' deputies
In 1918, Lenin signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, in which Russia gave up all of the following EXCEPT... Muscovy
Leon Trotsky... Led the Left group in the Politburo after Lenin's death
Lenin's new secret police were known as the... Cheka
Under Lenin's New Economic Policy, Individuals were permitted to own small retail stores and peasants to sell their produce
The British prime minister who had won a decisive electoral victory on a platform committed to making the Germans pay for the war was... David Lloyd George
The Germans disliked the Versailles Treaty because... Article 231 said that Germany (and Austria) bore sole responsibility for starting the war
Which of the following was NOT a penalty imposed on Germany in the Versailles Treaty? The transfer of Bavaria to France as a reparations payment
Which of the following nations were created by the 1919 Paris Peace Conference? Czechoslovakia and Poland
The new concept of the "mandate" created at the Paris Peace Conference, Actually expanded Western imperialism in former Ottoman areas
Which of the following is an accurate description of Middle Eastern mandates instituted after World War I? Britain took control of Iraq and Palestine
Which of the following was a manifestation of American isolationism? Failure of the United States to join the League of Nations
The Dawes Plan was all of the following EXCEPT it... Permanently solved all of Germany's economic problems
The Treaty of Locarno... Guaranteed the new German borders with Belgium and France in the west
The postwar diplomacy of the 1920's.... was superficial, as reflected by the overly optimistic response to the Locarno Treaty and other diplomatic agreements but which failed to deal with the issue of military disarmament
All of the following statements are correct about the Great Depression EXCEPT... Economic depressions were a new phenomena in the European experience
As a result of the Great Depression... Marxism and fascism gained in popularity
The new economic views of John Maynard Keynes held that... Government public works spending would cut unemployment and revive an economy
The Great Depression... Developed under the New York stock market collapse
The Popular Front in France... Initiated a program of workers' rights, but its policies failed to end the depression
The New Deal was the attempt by the Roosevelt administration to.... Have the federal government participate more actively in the economy
Changes in the middle-class attitudes during the 1920's included.... The popularity of short skirts, short hair, and the use of previously risqué cosmetics.
Leading exponents and practitioners of Dadaism and Surrealism, respectively, were... Hannah Hoch and Salvador Dali
Which of the following reflected new artistic trends of the 1920's? James Joyce's "Ulysses"


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