How cells Function {Chapter 3}


All cells need energy and materials for life processes
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Chemical Reaction A process in which bonds between atoms are broken and new bonds form to make different molecules
Carbohydrates A large molecule that provides the cell with energy and are used for structure and energy storage; An example of a carbohydrate is a starchy vegetable you may eat starchy vegetables such as corn or potatoes;Role=To supply energy
Lipids Are fats, oils, and waxes found in living things;an example of lipids are nuts, they contain saturated fats and are easy to digest;Role=Depends on type of liquid
proteins A large molecule made of amino acids;An example of a high protein food that you possibly have had for breakfast is bacon;Role=They build structures, and are the regulation of the body's tissue and organs, so basically, it works to keep the cell functioning
Nucleic acids The molecules that hold the instructions for the maintenance, growth, and reproduction;An example is DNA;Role=carries information
Chemical Energy the energy stored in the bonds between atoms of every molecule
Glucose A major energy source for most cells is stored in this sugar molecule
Photosynthesis The process that plant cells use to change energy from sunlight into chemical energy.
Chlorophyll A light-absorbed pigment, or colored substance, that traps the energy in sunlight
Cellular respiration When cells use oxygen to release energy stored in sugars such as glucose
Fermentation is the process by which cells release energy without oxygen
Diffusion the process by which molecules spread out, or move from areas where there are many of them to areas where there are fewer of them
passive transport When materials move without using the cells energy
osmosis the diffusion of water through a membrane
active transport the process of using energy to move materials through a membrane


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