Parts of speech


Partes del discurso
Denisse Garcia
FlashCards por Denisse Garcia, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Denisse Garcia
Criado por Denisse Garcia mais de 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Are there 8 parts of speech? yes!
IS the NOUN a person, animal, thing, place or feeling? yes! eg. Tlaxcala, tiger, blanket, LEONEL
DOES the verb describe the NOUN? NO, the verb is the ACTION or state
DOES the ADJECTIVE describes de NOUN? YES! it gives characteristics of the NOUN
DOES the adverb modify the VERB? yes; he ran slowly
Does the PREPOSITION show relationship between words? NOOO, the preposition gives details of the relation.
Does the CONJUNCTION link words? yes, He is tall and intelligent.
Is the INTERJECTION a expression of the author? yes, It expresses pain or joy.


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