The human body


Flashcards on parts and actions of the human body. Creted by Karol Cruz And Sebastián Castro
karol cruz
FlashCards por karol cruz, atualizado more than 1 year ago
karol cruz
Criado por karol cruz mais de 3 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Trapezius muscle Músculo trapecio Truh·pee·zeeuhs Noun Deltoid muscle Músculo deltoides Del-toyd Noun
Biceps muscle Músculo bíceps Bai-seps Noun Head Cabeza Hed Noun
Hair Cabello Heuh Noun Eyes Ojos Aiz Noun
Nose Nariz Nouz Noun Shoulder Hombro Showl-duh Noun
Hand Mano Hand Noun Knee Rodilla Nee Noun
Foot Pie Fut Noun Feet Pies Feet Noun
Leg Pierna Leg Noun Arm Brazo Arm Noun
Mouth Boca Mau-th Noun Ear Oreja Ir Noun
Chest Pecho Chest Noun Elbow Codo El-bow Noun
Fingers Dedos Fing-guhz Noun Stomach Estomago Stuh-muhk Noun
Neck Cuello Nek Noun Chin Barbilla-Mentón Chin Noun
Breast Pecho Brest Noun Tongue Lengua Tuhng Noun
Heart Corazón Haat Noun Teeth Dientes Teeth Noun
Run (ran) Correr watch (woch) ver o observar
dance (deans) bailar Speak (spik) Hablar o dialogar
sleep dormir eat (it) comer
hug (joc) abrazar Paint (Peint) Pintar
touch (toch) tocar work out (wart) ejercitarse
take care (teiker) cuidar sick (sik) enfermar
build up (bil- da) construir walk (wawk) pasear
Grow old (grobold) envejecer Miss (mis) extrañar
Breastfeeding (brest-fee-ding) Amamantar Die (dai) morir
Breathe Respirar (breeth) Verb Cook Cocinar (kuk) Verb
To play Jugar (plei) Verb Brush Cepillar (bruhsh) Verb
Bite Morder (bait) Verb Created by Sebastián Castro and Karol Cruz


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