F585 Definitions Extract 1


FlashCards sobre F585 Definitions Extract 1, criado por Milikani Moyo em 10-05-2015.
Milikani Moyo
FlashCards por Milikani Moyo, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Milikani Moyo
Criado por Milikani Moyo mais de 9 anos atrás

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Gross Domestic Product (GDP) the total value of goods and services produced in an economy in a period of time
Gross National Income (GNI) the total income earned by the citizens of a country from economic activity during a given period, usually one year
Gross National Product (GNP) measures economic activity a nation's citizens where ever they are in the world
Annualised Rate a forward projection at a compound rate: e.g. if growth in one quarter was 0.6% then the annualised rate would project 2.4% growth
Recession a decrease in the rate of growth for 2 consecutive quarters
output gap the difference between the output and potential of an economy
positive output gap in the short term, actual output exceeds the economy's potential output
negative output gap actual output is below the economy's potential output
trend growth the increase in an economy's productive capacity i.e. potential GDP, over time
real GDP nominal GDP adjusted for inflation
Employment Rate the percentage of the labour force who are currently employed
Unemployment individuals willing and able to work (usually within a fortnight) but unable to find a paying job
Real Wages wages adjusted to inflation
Recovery Phase a recovery in real national output across all sectors
Stustainability 'enduring', 'lasting', 'to keep in being'. can be applied to many economic terms e.g. 'sustainable growth'
Economic Cylce fluctuations in the level of real GDP over time between 4 stages; recession, recovery, boom, slowdown
Economic Growth short run: improvement on an an economy's real GDP over time long run: an increase in an economy's productive capacity over time


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