Dex the Heart of a Hero Vocabulary


FlashCards sobre Dex the Heart of a Hero Vocabulary, criado por Naxheli Hernández Rámirez em 07-11-2020.
Naxheli Hernández Rámirez
FlashCards por Naxheli Hernández Rámirez, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Naxheli Hernández Rámirez
Criado por Naxheli Hernández Rámirez aproximadamente 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
depended to need the support of someone or something
sore painful beacuse of injury, infection or too much use
sprang to move quickly and suddenly to a particular place
studied to carefully prepare to something
gazing to look at something especially in surprise or admiration
hero a person admired for having done something very brave
exercise physical activity that you do to make your body strong and healthy
overlooked to fail to notice


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