Spot the missing punctuation


A set of lash cards with sentence on one side which are missing a punctuation mark. Learners need to guess what the punctuation mark is. When the card is flipped there is an explanation given of the missing punctuation mark and its usage.
Sarah Holmes
FlashCards por Sarah Holmes, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Sarah Holmes
Criado por Sarah Holmes mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
The party is tonight Does this sentence need a full stop, a semi-colon or an exclamation mark? The sentence needs an exclamation mark rather than a full-stop because it conveys excitement about the party.
We didn't go camping it was pouring with rain. Does this sentence need a comma, a semi-colon or a colon? The sentence needs a semi-colon We didn't go camping; it was pouring with rain. The sentences are linked because the reason they didn't go camping is because it was pouring with rain.
Its not very long until Christmas! Does this sentence need an apostrophe? YES! The sentence could read: It is not very long until Christmas! Therefore there needs to be an apostrophe to show that the word 'is' has been left out to make 'it's'
The boy who was wearing a blue coat sitting next to his friend they traveled home from school by bus There are two types of punctuation missing from this sentence. Are they: Commas, apostrophes, colons, semi-colons or exclamation marks? The sentence is a complex one with several clauses and is missing two commas and a semi colon. The correct version of the sentence should read: The boy, who was wearing a blue coat, was sitting next to his friend; they traveled home from school by bus.
The Farmers market will be held this Saturday from 11 - 2pm Where should the apostrophe be placed in this sentence? The apostrophe should come after the 's' of Farmers because the market is held by more than one farmer so it should read: The Farmers' market will be held this Saturday from 11 - 2pm
Where will the bus stop What punctuation mark is missing here? Is it an exclamation mark, a question mark or a full-stop? The punctuation that is missing is a question mark. Where will the bus stop?
For the holiday we need to pack sun cream books travel money passports and flip-flops Should this sentence contain a comma, a full stop, a colon or a semi colon? It should contain a colon to indicate a list and then commas to separate the items in the list For the holiday we need to pack: sun cream, books, travel money, passports and flip-flops.
It is important to be able to use punctuation correctly Should this sentence end with a question mark, a full-stop or an exclamation mark? The sentence should end with a full-stop. There is no need to convey emotion although you may choose to replace the full-stop with an exclamation mark
The angry child threw its toys out of the pram Does this sentence need an apostrophe? NO! The word 'its' indicates that the toys that were thrown belonged to the angry child so no letters or words have been left out so no apostrophe is needed here.
Stop danger ahead Should this sentence contain exclamation marks, question marks or full-stops? It should contain exclamation marks because it is giving an order so it needs to be turned into an imperative through the use of exclamation marks. Stop! Danger ahead!


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