Computer Graphics Formats - Raster


The World Of Computer Graphics - Formats
ren -_-
FlashCards por ren -_-, atualizado more than 1 year ago
ren -_-
Criado por ren -_- quase 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
The many ways to describe an image in a computer are known as _____ Graphics Formats
_____ are illustrations built by the computer in patterns of tiny dots, called pixels, and stored as digital bits Raster graphics
TIF stands for _____ Tagged Image Format
JPEG stands for _____ Joint Photographers Expert Group
BMP stands for _____ Bitmap
_____ is a commonly used graphics format; the electronic images produced by many brands of scanners are TIF files, and both IBM compatible and Macintosh computers can read them. Tagged Image Format
The _____ format is a compression type of format, which stores a full range of color and value but is able to make the file size small enough so it doesn't require a lot of memory to store it. JPEG
Every time you save an image on _____, it compresses the file, so you must use caution that you don't loose quality from over compression. JPEG
_____ is like making a photocopy of a photocopy; you loose quality every time Compression
The _____ format is the "native" graphic format of Microsoft Windows, so for convenience, Windows users should produce graphics as BPM files whenever possible. Bitmap/BTM


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