Outsourcing (Unit 8)


Gjylferije Murat
FlashCards por Gjylferije Murat, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Gjylferije Murat
Criado por Gjylferije Murat aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
achieve lower overheads weniger Betriebs/Gemeinkosten erreichen - to be successful in decreasing the costs of running an organization
afford sich leisten können - to do sth inspite of what it will cost in time, effort, or money etc.
booming blühend - doing very well, getting bigger or better very quickly
buoyant lebhaft - lively, active; able to keep at a high level
business process outsourcing Geschäftsprozessauslagerung
competitive edge Wettbewersvorteil
controversial umstritten - used to describe an idea or action which causes people to have angry discussions because they do not have the same opinion
core activity Haupttätigkeit
cost-cutting measures Kosteneinsparungsmassnahmen
create jobs Jobs schaffen
cultural affinity Bindung zu anderen Kulturen haben - liking and having a strong connection to another culture
develop strategies Strategien ausarbeiten - to create and think more about a method or plan in order to reach a goal or solution to a problem
distinguish unterscheiden / differenzieren
establishment Gründung / Unternehmen - creating or forming sth such as a business or a organization which is intended to last a long time
expertise Experte / Expertise
export growth Exportwachstum
free up human ressources freimachen Human Ressources - to make it possible for employees to have the time to work on other things
fuel verstärken
get through durchkommen
graduate graduieren, einen Abschluss machen
indirect employment Vermittler Angestelltensuche - giving people work based on a contract through an independent business
infrastructure Infrastruktur
job losses Arbeitzplatzabbau
knock-on effect Dominoeffekt / Anstosseffekt
legal legal
nickname Spitznamen
offshore Im Ausland / küstennah etc. - away from or at a distance from the coast or outside the country
payroll Gehaltsabrechnung
productivity Produktivität
protectionism Schutzzollpolitik
pursue etw. verfolgen (Ziel) - to do sth over a long period of time, often with the aim of achieving sth
quality of life Lebensqualität
recruit rekrutieren
repeal aufheben (Gesetz) / wiederrufen (Produkt)
sector Branche / Markt / Sektor
shortfall Unterschuss (Fehlbetrag)
skilled worker Facharbeiter
spill etw. verschütten - to cause to flow over the edge or outside the limits of sth, usually by accident
streamline optimieren
subsequently Anschliessend / Folgend
threefold dreifach / dreimalig
training facilities Ausbildungseinrichtung
treble dreifach / tripeln
volume of work Arbeitsumfang
work ethic Arbeitsmoral


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