French shop vocab


FlashCards sobre French shop vocab, criado por jackgibbo em 28-05-2015.
FlashCards por jackgibbo, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por jackgibbo mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
la boucherie butchers
la boulangerie baker's
la charcuterie pork butcher
l'epicerie grocery
la libraire bookshop
le marchand de legumes seller of vegetables
la papaterie stationer's
la patisserie cake shop
la pharmacie chemist
Je voudrais I would like
Avez-vous? Have you....?
Donnez moi.. Give me..
C'est combine? How much is it?
Vous desirez? What would you like?
C'est tout? Is that all?
Et avec ca? Anything else?
Je regrette, mais je n'ai pas de I am sorry, but I haven't any


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