Madon (2004) SFP and drinking behaviour


FlashCards sobre Madon (2004) SFP and drinking behaviour, criado por Raz Saifullah em 03-06-2015.
Raz Saifullah
FlashCards por Raz Saifullah, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Raz Saifullah
Criado por Raz Saifullah mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Aim To see if a parent's expectation of their child's drinking habits would become reality.
Procedure 115 12-13yos and their parents questioned questioned Parents asked how much they think their child will drink Children asked the next year how much they drank
Results Children whose parents thought they would drink more drank more, only one parent's negative view was needed.
Conclusion Parent's prediction was very accurate and it was consistent after a year. SFP as the parent's beliefs can have a massive influence on a child's behaviour?
Strengths Large sample Gives a strong warning to parents about beliefs in child
Weaknesses Parents may have just guessed right? Other sources of influence not factored in Correlation =/= Causation Social desirability bias


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