Training & Salesforce Motivation


FlashCards sobre Training & Salesforce Motivation, criado por Sarah Yuzaidi em 21-06-2015.
Sarah Yuzaidi
FlashCards por Sarah Yuzaidi, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Sarah Yuzaidi
Criado por Sarah Yuzaidi mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Importance of Training 1. Customers more knowledgeable - more demanding in quality & service 2. Global market place - increase competition 3. Sales people need to operate on all levels (from purchasing departments to CEOs)
Sales Training - Long-term investment - Ongoing - Multi faceted (market knowledge, product knowledge, interpersonal skills, sales techniques, information technology)
Long-term Objectives of Training Increase profit Grow your results by growing your people Achieved through: improved customer relations, reduce sales turnover, better salesforce control, increased saled
Short-term Objectives of Training Speed development staff Role clarity Morale
What trainings should be Needs to be focused on problems that can be solved - Comprehensive - Relevant - Customised - Tied to performance objectives - Motivational
Assess Need Before Training - Analyse gaps between sales force skills and channel member skills and firm's objectives - Training should fill those gaps - Big mistake to not do planning - Need to develop training programs
Developing Training 1. Performance Needs Analysis 2. Training Needs Analysis 3. Feasibility Analysis
Performance Need Analysis Why you think salespeople need training? What are the problems? What is happening and what should happen? How will they improve after?
Training Needs Analysis Who will attend? What are the training objectives? What should they be able to do afterwards? How is success measured?
Feasibility Analysis 1. What is the budget? 2. How long will it take? 3. It is practical? 4. Is there managerial support?
Initial Sales Training Programs What is the product? Why do people buy it? Who participates in the buying process? How do I find quality buyers? What differentiates the product? (Adv.) Who are the major competitors? Product strengths & weaknesses
Continuing Sales Training Programs Shorter more intensive courses Specialised topics - Building partnerships - Penetrating customer organisations - Making professional calls - Become team coordinators - Understanding technology
Coaching/Training Techniques Group Training Individual Training
Group Training Formal training programs - lectures - group discussion - role play - conferencing - simulation games - demonstrations
Individual Training Informal methods - On-the-job training - Literature (manuals, workbooks) - DVD/Video/Audio - Computer-based training/games
Preparing Trainees MUST see benefit Understand WHY they are being trained Pre-training briefings
Pre-training briefings What the objectives are - set goals Why individuals were selected The business need the sales manager hopes to meet Management should be seen to endorse training
Lack of Motivation Lack of Commitment Lack of Learning Waste of firm's resources
Motivation During Training Encourage involvement/Engage trainees - Establish safe environment for leaning - Use positive reinforcement - Active formats (like role play) - Recognise early success - Include sufficient practice - Encourage self evaluation
Post Training Reinforcement: Coaching ABSOLUTE MUST Informal give & take discussions Managers prepared to implement what has been taught Managers-salespeople trust Reinforce what has been learnt
Training Evaluation Methods
Motivation Key role of sales manager to ensure that sales people perform their job well - Dynamic interpersonal process
Dynamic Interpersonal Process Work-related behaviours of the subordinate sales people to attain firm's goals and objectives (Initiation, Direction, Intensity, Persistance)
Content Theories Need for Rewards & Recognition 1. ERG Theory 2. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs 3. Needs Theory 4. McClellands's Dual-Factor Theory
ERG Theory Existence Relatedness Growth
Needs Theory Need for Achievement Need for Affiliation Need for Power
McClelland's Dual Factor Theory Motivators & Hygiene Factors
Process Theories Thought process of employees 1. Equity Theory 2. Expectancy Theory 3. Goals-setting Theory 4. Attribution Theory
Equity Theory Employees compare themselves with others
Expectancy Theory Expected consequences determine actions
Attribution Theory Motivation based on why events occur Based on internal and external attributions
Goal-setting Theory Linking rewards directly to individual's goals
Reinforcement Theory - Deals with consequences of behaviour - Principles of learning to strengthen, maintain or eliminate behaviours - Reward or Punishment
What motivates top sales performers? Need for status Need for control Need for respect Need for routine Need for accomplishment Need for stimulation Need for honesty
Recognition Programs - Based on objective performance only - Everyone should have a realistic chance to win - Should be done publicly - Should be done in good taste - Should be highly publicised
Why sales contests are losers? - Overestimating goals - Neglecting to publicise - Rewarding only top sales people - Viewing sales contest as a pancea
Emerging perspectives to motivation - Organisational commitment - Job commitment - Organisational climate - Learning orientation
Empowerment & participative management - Strong motivators - Play integral role in decision making, problem solving, goal setting, & suggesting organisational changes


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