English 7 colombian powers


English 7 colombian powers
Gladis Leonor Arias Rodriguez
FlashCards por Gladis Leonor Arias Rodriguez, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Gladis Leonor Arias Rodriguez
Criado por Gladis Leonor Arias Rodriguez mais de 3 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
1. What are the benches of power in Colombia? executive, legislative and judicial
2. What are the responsibilities of the president? Represent the country internationally. Elect ministers, direction of government agencies, ambassadors, etc. Enact laws and ensure compliance. To issue decrees and orders. Decide the nation's development plans. Exercise control over the investment of public resources. Regulate foreign exchange and international trade. Direct the armed forces and war operations if necessary. Enact laws and ensure.
3. Does Colombia have reelection of president? No, it was created in 2004 during Uribe and finished in 2015 during the government of Santos.
4. When does the vice-president replaces the president? She/He substitutes the president in case of temporary absence, incapacitation or death problems.
5. What are the obligations of the ministers? Manage ministry administration. Formulate the policies of your office. Submit to the congress the bills. Represent the government before the congress as spokespersons. Execute the law.
6. Who represents the executive branch in cities and towns? mayors, governors, superintendents
7. How is the Legislative branch divided? The Senate and the House of Representatives
8. What´s the function of the judicial branch? Its function is to administer the justice of the nation and to ensure compliance with the laws.


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