Flahscards AWL - Chapter 2 - Part II


Online Flashcards AWL
Adriana Rodríguez
FlashCards por Adriana Rodríguez, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Adriana Rodríguez
Criado por Adriana Rodríguez mais de 3 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Aid n. help, assistance, support. Do you provide aid to your friends when they ask for help? Explain.
Dramatic adj. striking, remarkable, impressive. What new technology has brought about the most dramatic change for the most people in recent years? Why?
Estimate v. guess, approximate. How long do you estimate it would take you to clean your house, apartment, or room from top to bottom? Do you like cleaning? Why or why not?
Exporter n. seller to other nations. Is your country a major exporter of any valued commodities? Explain.
Implement v. apply, execute, put into practice. Do you think governments should implement social programs such as health care and financial aid for the unemployed even if it involves more taxes? Explain.
Infrastructure n. foundation, groundwork. Does your country have a good communications infrastructure? For example, is high-speed Internet access easily available?
Major adj. main, chief, key. What major triumphs or successes have you had in your life? Explain.
Project n. assignment, task. Do you like working on group projects or do you prefer to work on your own? Why?
Range n. variety, assortment, scope, span. When purchasing a gift for someone, what is the price range you generally stick to? Why?
Virtually adv. almost, nearly, practically. How would you like to be able to speak virtually any language? Which language would you like to learn next? Why?
Abnormal adj. irregular, non-standard, atypical. What kind of behavior would you consider abnormal in a roommate? Why?
Evidence n. proof, confirmation. Do you have any evidence to support the existence of the spirit world or an afterlife? Why or why not? Do you believe in life after death? Why or why not?
Feature n. characteristic, element. What is the most positive feature of your school? Why? What is the most positive feature of your personality? Why?
Finally adv. at last. Now that you are finally at such an advanced level of English that you are taking a TOEFL course, do you think you will take any more English courses? Why?
Researcher n. scientist, experimenter. Would you like to work as a scientific researcher? Why or why not?
Impact n. influence, effect. Which person has had the greatest impact on your life? Why?
Issue n. subject, topic, concern. What international news item or issue do you have an opinion about? Why?
Normal adj. usual, ordinary, typical What normal everyday activities do you look forward to when you get up each morning? Why?
Perceive v. sense, recognize, identify. Are you good at perceiving how another person is feeling? If so, how do you do this? If not, why not?
Significantly adv. a lot, considerably, appreciably. Do you think you have changed significantly in the last 5 years? Explain.
Bulk n. majority, greater part, main part. When do you do the bulk of your studying? During the week or on the weekend? Why?
Equivalent n. equal, corresponding, the same. TOEFL and IELTS are equivalent exams in that they both provide a passageway to university. Why have you chosen to study TOEFL instead of IELTS?
Extract v. take out, remove. Have you ever had to have a tooth extracted? Do you like going to the dentist? Why or why not?
Guarantee v. assure, ensure, promise. When you give someone your word, do you guarantee that you will carry out the specified action? Why or why not?
Insert v. put in, add. What is the method for answering Insert Text Questions in the Reading section of the TOEFL iBT exam?
Isolate v. cut off, separate. Have you ever wanted to isolate yourself from the world by staying home for a couple of days? Why or why not?
Procedure n. process, method, steps. What is the procedure or method for cooking your favorite meal?
Refine v. improve, polish, enhance. After you write the first draft of an essay, what steps can you take to refine it? How do you feel about having to submit your first draft of an essay in the TOEFL exam?
Technology n. equipment, machinery, tools. What are the advantages and disadvantages of modern technology? Why?
Traditional adj. established, customary. What traditional custom from your country do you most appreciate? Why?
Approximately adv. about, around, roughly. Approximately how many online friends do you have? Which social networking websites or programs do you use?
Category n. group, class, type. Which category of music do you like best? Pop, hip hop, rock, jazz, classical? Who is your favorite recording artist? Why?
Consume v. eat, drink, use. How many glasses of water do you consume a day? Why is it important to drink a lot of water? What happens if you don’t?
Energy n. power, force, liveliness. Do you generally have more energy in the morning, afternoon, evening, or night? Explain.
Link v. relate, connect, associate. What sorts of foods have been linked to cancer? Do you eat these foods? Why or why not?
Maintain v. keep, uphold, preserve. What are some ways to maintain a friendship? What are some ways to lose it? Why?
Potential adj. possible, likely, probable. What are some potential dangers in going out to nightclubs? Do these concern you? Why or why not?
Release v. let go, send out, emit. What recently released DVD do you want to watch, buy, or download? Why?
Specific adj. exact, precise, particular. What specific place in your country would you recommend a tourist visit? Why?
Achieve v. attain, get, accomplish. What do you hope to achieve in the next 10 years? Why?


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