French - Harry Potter


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Lizzie Squirrel
FlashCards por Lizzie Squirrel, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Lizzie Squirrel
Criado por Lizzie Squirrel mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
quiconque n. whoever
des sornettes n. nonsense
diriger v. to lead, to manage
une perceuse n. a drill
quant à as to
une clotûre n. a fence
craindre v. to fear
remettre v. to reset
bon à rien adj. good for nothing
éloigné adj. distant, remote, apart
épouvante n. dread, terror
se mettre v. to get set, to start to
s'éveiller v. to wake up
fredonner v. to hum
nouer v. to tie (e.g. a tie)
badin adj. playful
les potins (m) n. gossip
s'efforçant v. striving
s'efforcer v. to strive
brailler v. to bawl
une chouette n. an owl
hulotte adj. tawny
voleter v. to flutter
être en proie à v. to be plagued by
glousser v. to cluck, to chuckle
reculer v. to back, to retreat, to retire, to recede
ce fut au coin phrase: it was around the corner
insolite adj. unusual
laisser v. to permit, to allow, to let
cligner (les yeux) v. to wink, (to blink)
tandis que while
s'engager v. to engage oneself
chasser v. to chase, to hunt
parvenir à v. to manage
gérer v. to manage
les abords (m) n. surroundings
un(e) passant(e) n. a passer-by
les accoutrements (m) n. bizarre clothing, regalia
pianoter v. to drum one's fingers
chuchoter v. to whisper
surexcité adj. overexcited
empêcher v. to prevent
œuvre (f) n. artwork
se remettre v. to resume
en plein jour phrase: in daylight
bouche bée adj. agape, open-mouthed
bée adj. speechless
filer v. to spin, to run, to get away, to fly by
vertement adj. sharply
coup de fil (m) n. phonecall
un hurlement n. scream, yell
songer v. to wonder, to contemplate
dégourdir v. to stretch
lancer v. to launch, to throw, to cast
courroucé adj. wrathful, irate, angry
récolter v. to collect, to harvest
un beignet n. donut
envahir v. to invade


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