Can you spell it?


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Spelling Words
"COMPOUNDS WORDS" Name a compound word, spell it. eg. 1) Tooth + Paste = < TOOTHPASTE > 2) ( t-o-o-t-h-p-a-s-t-e ) 3) Cup + Cake = < CUPCAKE > ( c-u-p-c-a-k-e ) * 4) Foot + Ball = < FOOTBALL > ( f-o-o-t-b-a-l-l ) ? ? ?
"ANTONYMS" 1) Adult / Child (c-h-i-l-d) 2) Black / White (w-h-i-t-e) 3) Open / Close (c-l-o-s-e) ------------------ FIND THE ANTONYM, SPELL IT 4) Large / ? 5) Young / ? 6) Good / ? 7) Night / ? 8) Slow / ? ? ? ? ?
"VOWELS" "VOWELS" eg. 1) Simultaneously (i-u-a-e-o-u) 2) Understand (u-e-a) Read the word, spell only the vowels. 3) Newspaper Journalist 4) Wonderland 5) Righteousness 6) Instantaneously
"MISSING CONSONANTS" Guess the word. Spell only the consonants. eg. 1) E_e_a_o_ "ELEVATOR" (l-v-t-r) 2) _u_ _io_ "CUSHION" (c-s -h-n) --------- 3) P o _ i _ e O _ _ i _ e r = ? 4) La_ gua_e = ? 5) Se_ _eta_y 6) E_g_is_
LOWER CASE Write a word, spell only the lower case. eg. 1) England (n-g-l-a-n-d) 2) The Statue of the Liberty (h-e-t-a-t-u-e-o-f-t-h-e-i-b-e-r-t-y) ----------- 3) Albert Einstein ( ? ) 4) The Eiffel Tower (? ) 5) The Big Bang Theory ( ? ) 6) The United States of America ( ? )
UNSCRAMBLING Unscramble the word. Spell it eg. 1) aeckcup: "cakecup" (c-a-k-e-c-u-p) 2) rteah: "heart" (h-e-a-r-t) ------------- 3) ynemo (?) 4) croscer (?) 5) rawet (?)
SYNONYMS Find a synonym. Spell it eg. 1) Sad = Unhappy (u-n-h-a-p-p-y) 3) Big = Large (l-a-r-g-e) 4) Kid = Child (c-h-i-l-d) ----------- 5) End (?) 6) Teacher (?) 7) Begin (?) 8) Difficult (?) ? ? ?
MISSING VOWELS Guess the word. Spell only the vowels e.g. 1) c_ff_ _ "COFFE" (o-e-e) 2) _nd_rst_nd_ng "UNDERSTANDING" (u-e-a-i) ----------- 3) N_teb_ _ k 4) Int_r_st_ng 5) R_manc_
CAPITAL LETTERS Say three words, spell only the capital letters. eg. 1) Crayon (C) 2) New York (N-Y) 3) The Great Wall of China (T-G-W-C) --------------- 4) The Taj Majal 5) The Niagara Falls 6) The World Trade Center 7) United States of America
RHYMING WORDS Find three rhyming words. Spell them: eg. 1) DIE (d-i-e) MY (m-y) SHY (s-h-y) 2) JUICE (j-u-i-c-e) SHOES (s-h-o-e-s) BRUISE (b-r-u-i-s-e) STONE (s-t-o-n-e) BONE (b-o-n-e) MOAN (m-o-a-n)
ACROSTIC POEM Say a word, spell it and then make an acrostic poem. eg. 1) "CATS" Cute Accrobatic Tenacious Soft
"As in" "AS IN" eg. ( HIP ) "h" as in "hotel" "i" as in "india" "p" as in "papa" ------------- Spell the following words using "AS IN": 1) CROWD 2) UGLY 3) KINGDOM 4) QUIZ 5 JERSEY


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