Teaching language Materials development


FlashCards sobre Teaching language Materials development, criado por diana.marsella.1 em 28-08-2015.
FlashCards por diana.marsella.1, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por diana.marsella.1 aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Language Teaching Materials Materials are cultural artefacts shaped by the context in which they occur.
Historical brief of the ELT Materials Finding the main aspects ELT materials The 1950s to 1980s
1950 - 1960 (The cold war) USA prokes language teaching as a prioriy The 1958 Defence Act Language programs Behaviourism techniques
The late 1960 to the late 1970 Stevick's (1976) 'Memory Meaning and Method' Moskowitz's (1978) 'Caring and Sharing in the foreing language class' Krashen (1981) 'Free use of language Simple and Natural'
From 1970s to 1980s Individualism and Multiculturalism Learning as a ONE person centered activity: Learning strategies Learning styles Negotiated Curricula
Late 1980s Centralization and Standarization: McDonalization Neoliberalism
McDonalization 'Colonisation' of areas of social life Standarization of TS training Predictability in methods and materials PPP-method
NeoLiberalism Division between rich and poor Commodification of interactions Physical product/Intangible service Language certification (Standarized exams) School=Value/Costumer= Extra value 'Premium product'/ Marketing advantage'


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