Vocabulary - Ferienwörter (5 mins)


GCSE German FlashCards sobre Vocabulary - Ferienwörter (5 mins), criado por Rosa Pears em 11-09-2021.
Rosa Pears
FlashCards por Rosa Pears, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Rosa Pears
Criado por Rosa Pears mais de 3 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
im Ausland abroad
Bayern Bavaria
die Ostsee the Baltic Sea
die Nordsee the North Sea
Griechenland Greece
die Türkei Turkey
Kroatien Croatia
in den Wald to the forest/woods
an die Küste to the coast
in die Berge to the mountains
an den Strand to the beach
an einen See to a lake
abenteuerlustig adventurous
Aktivurlaub an active holiday
Winterurlaub a winter holiday
Strandurlaub a beach holiday
Urlaub auf Balkonien a staycation/a stay at home holiday
eine Pauschalreise a package holiday
der Wohnmobil a motor home
buchen to book
losfahren to go/to get away
übernachten to stay (in accommodation)
zelten to camp
verbringen to spend time


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