Biology Unit 1


All of the sub-units from Unit 1 on the specification for CCEA. All of these revision cards are based on Yr. 11 work
FlashCards por jhutton846, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por jhutton846 aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

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Biology : Unit 1 Cells
Total Magnification ( ? x ? = Total Magnification ) Magnification of eyepiece x Magnification of objective lens = Total Magnification d
Calculating sizes of specimen ( Actual Size = ? ------- ? Actual Size = Observed Size ---------------- Magnification
Calculating Magnification ( Magnification = ? ----- ? Observed Size (My Measurement) --------------------------------------------- Actual Size (Measurement Given)
What is special about Red Blood Cells Biconcave shape gives a larger surface area
What is Active Transport Is the movement of substances against a concentration gradient, from a low concentration to a high concentration
What is needed for Active Transport to work Energy
What is the function of a cell membrane To let certain molecules in And to keep the nucleus in place
What is the role of the mitochondria To make energy
Biology : Unit 2 Photosynthesis and Plants
Photosynthesis Word Equation Sun (Light Energy) / C. Dioxide + Water ----> Oxygen + Glucose / Choloroplasts
Photosynthesis Chemical Equation 6Co2 + 6H20 ---> 602 + C6 H12 06
Name the 4 steps of a Leaf Starch Test 1. Leaf in Boiling Water 2. Boil in Ethanol 3. Rinse leaf in water 4. Flood in Iodine
Name the 6 Limiting Factors that plants need to Photosynthesis 1. Water 2. Carbon Dioxide 3. Sunlight 4. Temperature 5. Chlorophyll 6. Surface Area
What part of the plant contains the most chloroplasts Palisade
What part of a leaf is specially adapted to keep water in Waxy Cuticle
Name the cell that carries water Xylem
Name the cell that carries sugar in a plant Phloem
What is the gas exchange in a plant during photosynthesis Light C. Dioxide + Water -------> Glucose + Oxygen Chlorophyll
What happens to the Glucose during photosynthesis - Broken down ( using up oxygen and producing carbon dioxide )
What is the gas exchange in a plant during respiration Glucose + Oxygen --> C.Dioxide + Water (+ energy)
What term is given when the rate of photosynthesis and the rate of respiration are equal Compensation Point
What would happen in darkness ? Would photosynthesis or respiration take place ? - NO Photosynthesis (DARK) - Only respiration is occurring
What indicator is used to test for measuring the amount of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere Bicarbonate Indicator
What colour will the indicator turn when it turns positive / negative Normal Yellow <-------> Orange/Red <-------> Purple CO2 is added CO2 removed
Name the process of which plants make their own food Photosynthesism
What name is given to a leaf that has white edges and green centre Variegated Leaf
What is the function of chlorophyll in the photosynthesis process Traps light energy
What compound can be used to absorb Carbon Dioxide Soda Lime / Sodium Hydroxide
When sugar is produced during photosynthesis what can it be used for Respiration Fruits Seeds Making cell walls
What factors affect the rate of photosynthesis Temperature Light Intensity Carbon Dioxide Concentration
Give 3 reasons why animals need food 1. Providing energy 2. Enables growth 3. Provides defence from diseases
Biology : Unit 3 Nutrition and Health
Recite the acronym for a balanced diet ( Can Very Fat Pigs Fight Mini Waterhogs ) Can Vitamins Fat Protein Fibre Minerals Water
Name the 3 different types of Carbohydrates 1. Simple 2. Double 3. Complex
What are Proteins built up of Amino Acids
What substance in our diet prevents constipation Fibre
What food test is used for starch Iodine
What colour will Iodine change if there is starch present Blue / Black
What colour will Iodine change if there is NO starch present Brown
What food test is used with heat and for what Benedict + Glucose
What food test is used for glucose Benedicts
What colour will Benedicts change if glucose is present Orange
What test is used for Protein Biuret
What colour will Biuret change if Protein is present Purple
What test is used for Vitamin C D.C P.I.P
What colour will D.C P.I.P change if Vitamin C is present Colourless / Pink
What is used to test for Fat Ethanol ( Emultion )
What colour will Ethanol change if Fat is present Cloudy
What is the word equation for respiration Glucose + Oxygen --> C.Dioxide + Water + Energy
Biology: Unit 4 Enzymes and Digestion
What do enzymes do Speed up reactions
What are the 2 groups of enzymes called called 1. Extracellular 2. Intracellular
What are Extracellular enzymes the enzyme may leave the cell to do work e.g. digestive enzymes
What are Intracellular enzymes they stay inside the cell e.g. for growth and repair
What is the word equation of a substance forming into another enyme enzyme Substrate -------------> Porduct
New Sub-Topic : Digestion Biology
What is Ingestion Ingesting something (into the mouth)
What is Digestion The breakdown of large food molecules
What are the 2 types of Digestion 1. Mechanical 2. Chemical
What is Mechanical Digestion Food broken down by teeth
What is Chemical Digestion Food broken down by enzymes
What is Absorption Soluble products of digestion are absorbed into the blood
What part of the body is responsible for Absorption Ileum
What is Assimilation The products of digestion e.g. glucose, amino acids etc.
What is Egestion Components that CANNOT be digested by the body and are excreted out
Biology: Unit 5 Breathing and the Respiratory System
What are the 2 types of respiration 1. Aerobic 2. Anaerobic
What is Aerobic Respiration Oxygen is used to release the energy
What is the word equation for Aerobic Respiration Oxygen+Glucose--->C.Dioxide+Water+Energy (Lots)
What is Anaerobic Respiration Energy is released WITHOUT oxygen
What makes Gas Exchange efficient 1. Large surface area 2. Moisture 3. Thin, Permeable Air Sack
What happens to the Diaphragm during; 1. Inhalation 2. Exhalation 1. Flattens / Contracts 2. Domes / Relaxes
What happens to the Intercostal Muscles during: 1. Inhalation 2. Exhalation 1. Contracts 2. Relaxes
What happens to the Rib cage during: 1. Inhalation 2. Exhalation 1. Up and Out 2. Down and In
What happens to the Volume of the Thorax during: 1. Inhalation 2. Exhalation 1. Increases 2. Decreases
What happens to the Air Pressure during: 1. Inhalation 2. Exhalation 1. Decreases 2. Increases
What happens to the Air Movement during: 1. Inhalation 2. Exhalation 1. In 2. Out
Biology: Unit 6 Nervous System and Hormones
What is a Receptor Sense organ that receives a stimulus e.g. skin
What is a Co-Ordinator it processes the signal and co-ordinates a response
What is a Effector Brings a change to the stimulus e.g. muscle contracts
What is the gap called between a receptor and a co-ordinator Synapse
What is a Voluntary action Decisions you make under conscious control
What is a Reflex action A decision that is made without you knowing
Biology: Unit 6-b Plant Hormones
What is a plant Stimuli The change in the environment
What is a plant Receptor The cells or organs that detect the change
What is a plant Response The change an organism makes in reaction to the stimulus
What 2 ways do plants respond to stimuli 1. Growing towards it 2. Growing away from it
What is the growing response called Trophism
What is Phototrophism A growth movement in response to light
What are growth movements controlled by Hormones
What is at the tip of the shoot of a plant 1. Stimuli 2. Receptor 3. Response 2. Receptor
What hormone is made at the tip of the shoot Auxin (IAA)
What does Auxin do Diffuses downwards from the tip where it makes the cell longer
What does Auxin have to do with Phototrophism If there is a change in Auxin concentration phototropism is caused
What does the Auxin need to do in order for the shoot to grow straight up It needs to spread evenly down the shoot
Give 2 reasons for commercial use of plant hormones 1. Selective Weedkillers 2. Fruit Formation
What do Selective Weedkillers do They disrupt the growth of weeds causing them to die
Why are plant hormones used for fruit formation Ripens fruit quicker
How do plant hormones ripen fruit quicker Auxin's help fruit to set naturally and ripen at the same time


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