Geography Human Growth over last 2000 years(sumamary)


FlashCards sobre Geography Human Growth over last 2000 years(sumamary), criado por Aidan S.G em 06-09-2015.
Aidan S.G
FlashCards por Aidan S.G, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Aidan S.G
Criado por Aidan S.G aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
2000 years ago world population was about 300 million
1000 years ago population grew by about 10 million then continued grow by very slowly, falling at parts (plague)
1800 population (in now hics) began to grow and increase more due to the industrial revolution. this improved living standards
1950 Antibiotics were invented increasing life expectancy mainly in Hics creating a rapid increase in population.
1960 Antibiotics invented resulted in a higher life
1970 improvements in birth control helped slow the rate down but as there were so many people on the planet, a population explosion was on the way 1974, 4 billionth baby was born.
today population just over 7 billion
2050 worlds population expected to reach 9 billion mainly due to growth in Lics and Mics


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