

IIBA Business Analysis Agile Business Analysis (Agile BA Techniques - Understanding the Customer) FlashCards sobre Storyboarding, criado por Charlotte P em 15-10-2021.
Charlotte P
FlashCards por Charlotte P, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Charlotte P
Criado por Charlotte P mais de 3 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is the purpose of Storyboarding? Storyboarding is used to describe a task, scenario or story in terms of how the stakeholder will interact with the solution.
Storyboarding is a technique used to understand how people_______________________. will actually use the solution.
What can Storyboarding be used in conjunction with to detail the sequence of activities, summing up different user interactions with the solution? It can be used in conjunction with use cases, user stories and prototyping.
When might Storyboarding be used? When Prototyping is unnecessary or too expensive.
- Storyboarding can be used to elicit, elaborate and validate requirements - Communicate to stakeholders what needs to be ____ - Assist in ____ _________design - Show ________ of the solution - Align stakeholders with the ______ of the proposed solution - An _____ to tests - built - user interface - variations - vision - input
Elements of Storyboarding are: S__________ I_______________ T_________ E____________ C_________ S_______________ 1. Scenarios 2. Illustrations 3. Textual Explanations 4. Create Storyboard
STRENGTHS of Storyboarding? - Reduces abstractness caused by user stories or use cases - Produced quickly & cheaply compared to Prototyping - Illustrative nature involves stakeholders participation
WEAKNESSES of Storyboarding? - Can look & feel different to the final product? - Easy to get bogged down with the 'how' rather than the 'why' - Easy to miss significant rules or constraints


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