chp. 2 Mesopotamia


FlashCards sobre chp. 2 Mesopotamia , criado por cesims em 08-09-2015.
FlashCards por cesims, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por cesims aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

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Questão Responda
Mesopotamia~The land between the rivers
Sumerians The creators of the first Mesopotamian civilization
Polytheistic Beliefs in many gods
Ziggurats A temple people was often built atop a massive stepped tower
Theocracy A government by divine athority
Cuneiform~Around 3000 B.C the Sumerians created cuneiform
Patriarchal This is when man dominated the society
Nile River Nile River~Begins in the heart of Africa and courses northward for more than 4,000 miles.
Inundation Annual flooding of the Nile River
~Scribe~ Scribe means A person who copies out documents.
~Hieraglyphics~ This is to describe decorative characters carved on Egyptian monuments.
~Cataracts~ Waterfalls along the Nile River
Silt Rich black mud left behind from the flooding of the Nile river.
King Menes King who united lower & upper Egypt around 3100 BC
Dynasty Means "great house of"; A family of rulers
Pharoah name of Egyptian King
"Ba" The Ba was the part of the soul that embarked on a journey to follow the gods;the symbol of the Ba is often shown as a bird with a human head and wings
Mummification It was very important to ancient Egyptian religious beliefs that the human body was preserved.Their method of preserving the body was called mummification. The process lasted up to 70 days
Canopic jars Containers used to hold the internal organs (lungs,stomach,intestines,liver) of the decreased that was going to be mummified; the jars had lids shaped as the heads of the 4 sons of horus
Sarcophagus a sarcophagus formed the outer layer of protection for the royal mummy , with several layers of coffins nested within, and was often carved out of alabaster.
The great pyramid Largest of the 3 pyramids at Giza; built by king khufu; the only monument of the 7 wonders of the ancient world to survive
Great Sphinx one of the largest and oldest statues in the world. Archeologists believe that it was carved around 2500 BC and that the heads
Hieroglyphics Egyptians picture writing
The Rosetta Stone A stone with writing on it in two languages (Egyptians and Greek), using three scripts (Hieroglyphic, demotic and Greek)
Hyksos invaded Egypt; and ruled for 200 years; introduced the horse drawn chariot
Ramses II Ramses the Great reigned 67 years ; fathered over 100 children; defeated the Hittites, the other superpower of ancient times; he declared himself a living god
Fertile Crescent The region in the middle east which curves like a quarter-moon shape known as the cradle of civilization
Polytheistic ( aka polytheism) Beliefs in many gods; Ancient Sumerians believed in over 3,000 gods
King tut 17 year old boy Pharaoh whose tomb survived untouched by grave robbers more than 3,000 artifacts discovered in his tomb
Cultural diffusion The spreading of ideas from one culture to another culture
Papyrus reed like plant that grows on the Nile river Ancient Egyptians used to write on
Ka Ancient Egyptians thought when someone died the ka or the life force
Hatshepsut First great women ruler in history
Akhenaten Rejected the traditional religion in favor of worshiping the aten or sun disc after whom he renamed himself


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