Unit 01_Classroom Expressions


College Languages - Unit 1: Introductory Phase (Vocabulary ) FlashCards sobre Unit 01_Classroom Expressions, criado por SLS Indonesian em 27-12-2021.
SLS Indonesian
FlashCards por SLS Indonesian, atualizado more than 1 year ago
SLS Indonesian
Criado por SLS Indonesian aproximadamente 3 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Saya ada pertanyaan. I have a question.
Tolong ulangi lagi. Please say it again
Tolong baca lagi. Please read again
Tolong kasi contoh. Please give an example
Maaf, saya tidak mengerti. I'm sorry. I don't understand.
Saya tidak tahu. I don't know.
Maaf, saya lupa. I'm sorry. I forgot.
Harap bicara pelan-pelan. Please speak more slowly.
Tolong ulangi lagi. Please repeat that.
Apa kata "book" dalam Bahasa Indonesia? What is 'book' in Indonesian?
Tolong tulis di papan tulis. Please write that word on the board.
Apa kata "buku" dalam Bahasa Inggris? What is 'buku' in English?
Sebentar ya. Just a second!
Jam berapa sekarang? What time is it?
Waktu istirahat. Break time!
Bagaimana mengucapkan kata ini? How do you pronounce this word?
Tolong saya ya. Please help me.
Bagaimana mengeja kata ini? How do you pronounce this word?
Silakan Please (polite request)
Harap Please (expectation)
Tolong Please (asking for help)


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