
Oposiciones OPOSICIONES 2023 (UNIT 46. REVOLUTIONARY & CIVIL WAR. SCARLET LETTER & TRBOC) FlashCards sobre UNIT 46, criado por Miriam González Cano em 14-01-2022.
Miriam González Cano
FlashCards por Miriam González Cano, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Miriam González Cano
Criado por Miriam González Cano mais de 2 anos atrás

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TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. INTRODUCTION 2. REVOLUTIONARY WAR (1775-1783) 2.1. Causes of the conflict 2.2. Development of the war 2.3. Major consequences 3. AMERICAN CIVIL WAR (1861-1865) 3.1. Causes of the conflict 3.2. Development of the war 3.3. Major consequences 4. REFERENCE NOVELS 4.1. "The Scarlet Letter" by Nathaniel Hawthorne 4.2. "The Red Badge of Courage" by Stephen Crane 5. DIDACTIC IMPLICATIONS AND CONCLUSION 6. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND WEBLINKS
Revolutionary War dates: 1775-1783
The Revolutionary War consisted of... the insurrection of thirteen of Great Britain’s North American colonies, resulting in the configuration of a new nation.
Major 2 causes of Revolutionary War: -British control over the colonies -Increasing taxes after other conflicts
Before the Revolutionary War, society was divided into... -Tories (friendly to England) -Patriots (emancipation)
During RW, the centre of opposition was in... Boston & Massachussetts
Boston Massacre took place in... 1770
1st Continental Congress met in Philadelphia in... 1774
2nd Continental Congress took place in... 1775
During the 2nd Continental Congress, it was decided to...... create an army commanded by George Washington
The Declaration of Independence was published on... July 4th, 1776
RW erupted in... 1775
During RW, it was thought that England would win because... -Large & organised land army -Royal Navy
Most important battle of RW: Battle of Saratoga: France & Spain -> international war
RW ended with... Peace of Paris
Consequences of RW: -Political participation grew -Society + egalitarian & meritocratic -Women=republican mothers -End of mercantilism -Expasionism -Manumission of slaves in Norther states
American Civil War dates: 1861-1865
Major cause of CW: culmination of the struggle between the advocates and opponents of slavery.
Lincoln was eleceted president in... 1860
After Lincoln's election... 11 colonies seceeded -> Confederate States of America
CW started on... April 12th, 1861
During CW, America was divided into... -North (industrial & rich) -South (agricultural)
The best soldier in CW was... General Robert Lee
Emancipation Proclamation was issued in... 1863
Emancipation Proclamation consisted of... change legal status of slaves into free citizens BUT not in border states
CW is considered as the first modern war due to... the use of mechanised and electrified devices, such as the telegraph, photography, mines or riffles
3 Constitutions Amendments: -Slavery abolished -Blacks=citizens -Vote for blacks
The Reconstruction Act... divided the South into 5 military districts
After Lincoln's assassination... local authorities in the South established a racial segregation system
Nathaniel Hawthorne was born in... Salem (Massachussetts)
Novels of Hawthorne: -Fanshawe -Seven Tales of my Native Land -The Scarlet Letter
The Scarlet Letter was published in... 1850
Plot of Scarlet Letter: Hester Pryne commits adultery with a Puritan minister, Arthur Dimmesdale, and they have a daughter called Pearl
Themes in Scarlet Letter: -Sin, knowledge & human condition -Identity of the Black Man
In The Scarlet Letter, evil is associates with... Dimmesdale
The Scarlet Letter argues that evil arises from... the close relationship between love and hate
Symbolism in The Scarlet Letter: -Letter A -Pearl -Civilisation & wilderness
In The Scarlet Letter, letter A symbolises: -Society=adultery -Hester=beauty Pearl=Arthur (father) -Dimmesdale=sin
Pearl represents... the living version of the scarlet letter: the physical consequence of sin and the indicator of transgression
Stephen Crane was born in... Newark (New Jersey)
Novels of Crane: -Maggie: A Girl of the Street -The Red Badge of Courage -The Open Boat
The Red Badge of Courage was intended to be... a psychological portrayal of fear
Plot of The Red Badge of Courage: Henry Fleming joins the army as teenager
Themes in The Red Badge of Courage: -War -Courage
Symbolism in The Red Badge of Courage: -soldier=insignificance of moral concerns


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