Water supply and hydraulics part 2


FlashCards sobre Water supply and hydraulics part 2, criado por Jake U em 20-09-2015.
Jake U
FlashCards por Jake U, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jake U
Criado por Jake U quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is the FL for appliances 70kpa
Hoselines flowing 2650lpm have a FL of __ kpa per 15m of siamese lengths 90kpa
Deluge gun nozzle pressure, rated flow, and FL NP=700kpa Rated flow=2650lpm FL=70kpa
Define hydraulics Study of fluids at rest and in motion
What is atmospheric pressure 101 kpa
Atmospheric pressure decreases ___ kpa per _____m of elevation 10kpa per 1000m of elevation
Define elevation pressure AKA head pressure. the gain or loss of pressure in a hose line due to a change in elevation
Every 1m increase in elevation results in ___kpa of elevation pressure. And for every floor ___ kpa 10 kpa per meter. 35kpa per floor
PDP = _____________________ NP + APL + FL +/- EP
Formula for FL FL=CQ²L c - coefficient q=flow rate divided by 100 L= # of hose lengths in 30m lengths
What are the coefficients for 44mm, 65mm, and 125mm hose 44mm - 7 65mm - 1 125mm - .04
ROT for standpipe connections is ______kpa 1000kpa


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