Ways of Cooking


Javier Quintanilla
FlashCards por Javier Quintanilla, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Javier Quintanilla
Criado por Javier Quintanilla mais de 2 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
cook: prepare food for eating by using heat. Cook the sauce for 15 minutes. cook: prepare food for eating by using heat. Cook the sauce for 15 minutes.
bake: cook something in an oven. Bake the cake for 45 minutes. bake: cook something in an oven. Bake the cake for 45 minutes.
boil: cook something in boiling water. Boil the rice for about 15 minutes. boil: cook something in boiling water. Boil the rice for about 15 minutes.
braise: cook meat or vegetables in a small amount of liquid in a closed container. Braise the meat for 30 minutes. braise: cook meat or vegetables in a small amount of liquid in a closed container. Braise the meat for 30 minutes.
fry: cook something in hot fat or oil. Fry the potatoes for 10 minutes. fry: cook something in hot fat or oil. Fry the potatoes for 10 minutes.
grill / broil: cook something on a metal frame with bars across it, above strong direct heat. Grill the meat for 20 minutes. grill / broil: cook something on a metal frame with bars across it, above strong direct heat. Grill the meat for 20 minutes.
barbecue: cook food on a metal frame over a fire outdoors. They always barbecue some meat when they go to the club. barbecue: cook food on a metal frame over a fire outdoors. They always barbecue some meat when they go to the club.
roast: cook something in an oven or over a fire, on a spit. Roast the chicken over an open fire. roast: cook something in an oven or over a fire, on a spit. Roast the chicken over an open fire.
poach: cook something in gently boiling water. Poach the eggs for 5 minutes. poach: cook something in gently boiling water. Poach the eggs for 5 minutes.
sauté: cook something in a little amount of hot oil or fat. Saute the vegetables for some minutes. sauté: cook something in a little amount of hot oil or fat. Saute the vegetables for some minutes.
simmer: cook something slowly by boiling it gently. Allow the soup to simmer for half an hour. simmer: cook something slowly by boiling it gently. Allow the soup to simmer for half an hour.
steam: cook something in steam. Steam the vegetables lightly. steam: cook something in steam. Steam the vegetables lightly.
stew: cook something slowly in liquid. Stew the meat for one hour. stew: cook something slowly in liquid. Stew the meat for one hour.
stir-fry: cook something in hot oil for a short time and keep it moving in the pan. Stir-fry the onions for 20 seconds. stir-fry: cook something in hot oil for a short time and keep it moving in the pan. Stir-fry the onions for 20 seconds.
toast: make bread or other food brown by placing it close to heat. She toasted the cheese sandwiches. toast: make bread or other food brown by placing it close to heat. She toasted the cheese sandwiches.
microwave: cook something in a microwave oven. Microwave the meat for 7 minutes. microwave: cook something in a microwave oven. Microwave the meat for 7 minutes.


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