English Horror Definitions


5 English FlashCards sobre English Horror Definitions, criado por zacmistri em 15-11-2013.
FlashCards por zacmistri, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por zacmistri mais de 11 anos atrás
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Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Cautiously To do something with caution. To do something carefully.
Decrepit Worn down with age.
Macabre Marked by arousing horror. The subject being death.
Ominous Showing signs of evil or misfortune.
Ghastly Horrible or shocking. Resembling a ghost.
Eccentric Acting or thinking unusually. Abnormal. Can also mean not in an exact circle.
Foreboding To have a feeling that something terribly bad is going to happen.
Eerie Causing fear or uneasiness from strangeness or uneasiness.
Gruesome Causing horror or disgust.
Terrifying Causing terror or fear.
Malevolent With evil intent.
Sinister Very Evil or threatening.
Dilapidated Destroyed or rundown.
Horror Strong fear, dread, or dislike
Monstrous Having monster like properties. Very ugly or vicious
Repulsive Causing disgust.

3 comentários

over 11 years ago
WOW!!! This is amazing
over 11 years ago
WOW!!! This is amazing
over 11 years ago
cool thing zac


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