

FlashCards sobre Actividad9, criado por Diana Bentley em 02-05-2022.
Diana Bentley
FlashCards por Diana Bentley, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Diana Bentley
Criado por Diana Bentley mais de 2 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Manufacturing support systems Procedures and systems used by the firm to manage production and solve the technical and logistics problems associated with designing the products, planning the processes, ordering materials, etc.
Computer Systems A basic, complete and functional computer, including all the hardware and software required to make it functional for any user.
Computer-aided design The use of computer-based software to aid in design processes.
Computer-integrated manufacturing The use of computer-controlled machineries and automation systems in manufacturing products.
Automation The technique of making an apparatus, a process, or a system operate automatically.
Production System An industrial system that supports manufacturing and logistics.
Computer-aided manufacturing type of manufacturing method that uses computer software and automatable machinery to create products with a high degree of accuracy and precision.
Product design The process of imagining, creating, and iterating products that solve users’ problems or address specific needs in a given market.


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