Computer Science - Computer System


revision cards to revise the basics of the AQA computer system GCSE
FlashCards por lynseyarmstrong, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por lynseyarmstrong mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is a Computer system? A Computer System is a device that can receive data, store data, manipulate data and output data.
What makes a system reliable? - Always work. (95% of the time) - Does not have “Glitches”. - Does what the user (you) wants it to do. - Trusted to work efficiently. - Trusted to store your files safely.
Give 4 examples of how you are able to make a computer system reliable. - Have more than one person fixing. - Update software. - Remove unwanted files. - Upgrade hardware. (e.g. RAM) - Buy from reliable company.
Why are standards important? (Give 4 reasons) •enable equipment from different manufacturers to work together •make learning new systems easier because they have similar characteristics •help to ensure fair play and access to markets •bring costs down by opening markets to competition.
What are open standards? These are available for public use, and are often agreed by a group of collaborators (with no profit). e.g. HTTP, HTML, WAP, TCP/IP, XML and SQL
What are proprietary standards? These are owned by an organisation. They ensure compatibility between company devices. They also exclude the use of rival companies. e.g. Apple
What are Industry standards? These are set by industry-wide organisations e.g. ANSI (for programming languages) IEEE (for electrical interface) ITU (for communication protocol)
What are De Facto standards? These have developed from common usage e.g. postscript QWERTY keyboard Microsoft Word file standard.
What is De Jure standards? These are by LAW. They are universally accepted, they have to adhere to these in order to communicate with other devices. e.g. wireless 801.11 TCP/IP ASCII Unicode
What are the different types of back-ups, and how often do they back-up? Back up – copy to external device Continual back up – Concrete cambers (Secret location) Each day back-up – Taken off site (Each week, 1 month, 6 months)
How can you prevent glitches from occurring? - Buy good software - Trusted company - Got to see it working in similar environment - Up-to-date versions (Updates) - Discuss requirements – meeting, see plans, test, beta test.


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