Unit 05_Dialog_Hotel Reservation - Sheet1


College Languages - Unit 5: Directions, Travel & Transportations (Samples of dialogues) FlashCards sobre Unit 05_Dialog_Hotel Reservation - Sheet1, criado por SLS Indonesian em 21-07-2022.
SLS Indonesian
FlashCards por SLS Indonesian, atualizado more than 1 year ago
SLS Indonesian
Criado por SLS Indonesian aproximadamente 2 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Tamu: Selamat malam, Bu. Saya William Blake. Minggu yang lalu saya sudah menelepon ke sini untuk memesan kamar. Guest: Good evening Sir. I am William Blake. Last week I called here to reserve a room.
Penerima tamu: Ya, benar, Pak. Saya kira Bapak tidak jadi datang. Kamarnya sudah saya berikan kepada orang lain, karena sudah lewat jam setengah delapan. Receptionist: Yes, that's correct, Sir. I thought you did not make it. I gave the room to someone else because it was already past seven thirty.
Tamu: Ya, saya terlambat, sebab ada perbaikan jalan sepanjang 50 km. Jadi mobilnya tidak bisa jalan cepat-cepat. Tapi, ada kamar lain? Guest: Yes, I am late because there was a road construction as long as fifty kilometers. Therefore, I cannot drive my car quickly. But, do you have another room?
Penerima tamu: Ya, ada kamar yang kosong, tapi tidak sebagus yang Bapak pesan dulu. Maaf saja. Receptionist: Yes, there is an empty room, but not as good as the one you reserved before. I am so sorry.
Tamu: Yah, bagaimana lagi? Saya sudah cape sekali. Pokoknya asal bisa tidur. Oh, iya, Bu. Kamar mandinya di dalam atau di luar? Guest: Well, what can we do? I am already too tired. As long as I can sleep. Oh, is the bathroom inside or outside of the room?
Penerima tamu: Kamar mandi dan W.C. ada di dalam. Receptionist: The bathroom and toilet are inside the room.
(Pada hari kedua) (On the second day)
Tamu: Bu, nyamuknya banyak sekali di kamar saya. Bagaimana saya bisa tidur? Apa tidak ada kelambu di hotel ini? Guest: There are many mosquitos in my room, Sir. How could I sleep? Isn't there a mosquito's net in this hotel?
Penerima tamu: Wah, sudah lama kami tidak pakai kelambu. Biasanya cukup disemprot saja dengan 'Baygon', atau pasang obat nyamuk. Receptionist: Well, it has been a while since we used a mosquito's net . Normally we just spray the room with "Baygon", or put a mosquito repellant in the room.
Tamu: Saya tidak tahan baunya. Kalau begitu, tolong pindahkan kipas anginnya ke dekat tempat tidur. Guest: I cannot stand the smell of them. If that's the case, please move the fan closer to the bed.
Penerima tamu: Baik, Pak. Nanti saya suruh pelayan ke kamar Bapak. Receptionist: Alright, Sir. I will ask a staff to your room.
Tamu: Terima kasih. Guest: Thank you.


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