Criado por Lucas Callahan
mais de 2 anos atrás
Questão | Responda |
Pineapple | La piña |
Apple | La manzana |
Watermelon | La sandía |
Pear | La pera |
To have | Tener |
I have | Yo tengo |
You (informal) have | Tu tienes |
He has | El tiene |
She has | Ella Tiene |
You (formal) have | Usted tiene |
We have | Nosotros tenemos |
You all (informal) have | Vosotros tenéis |
They (male) have | Ellos tienen |
They (female) have | Ellas tienen |
You all (formal) have | Ustedes tienen |
To be hungry | Tener hambre |
To be cold | Tener frio |
To be hot | Tener calor |
To be afraid | Tener miedo |
To be sleepy | Tener sueño |
To be lucky | Tener suerte |
To be in a hurry | Tener prisa |
To be thirsty | Tener sed |
Cookies | Las galletas |
Ice cream | El helado |
Cake | El pastel |
Bread | El pan |
Pickle | El pepinillo |
Lettuce | La lechuga |
Onion | La cebolla |
Soda | El refresco |
Lemonade | La limonada |
Fruit | La fruta |
Kiwi | El kiwi |
Mango | El mango |
Cereal | El cereal |
To travel | Viajar |
To visit | Visitar |
Bakery | La panaderia |
Soft | Suave |
Sweet | Dulce |
Symbol | Símbolo |
Audio | Audio |
To practice | Practicar |
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