

Biology (Additional) FlashCards sobre Untitled_10, criado por ryangriscti em 23-11-2013.
FlashCards por ryangriscti, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por ryangriscti quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Humans and plants have... Nucleus, cell membrane, cytoplasm, ribosomes, mitochondria
Plants also have... Rigid cell wall made of cellulose for support chloroplasts that contain chlorophyll for photosynthesis (absorb light energy to make food permanent vacuole filled with sap
Bacteria have... cell wall and membrane surrounding cytoplasm
Yeast cells have... nucleus, cytoplasm and a membrane surrounded by a cell wall
Specialised cells... mitochondria=lots of energy(muscle cell) ribosomes=lots of protein(gland cells which produce enzymes) cells with tails are able to move receptor cells have have special structures to detect stimuli neutrons are specialised to carry impulses root hair cells increase the surface area to absorb water and mineral ions efficiently
Diffusion spreading out of the particles of a gas or any substance in a solution
net movement the overall movement of...(depends on the particles on each side of the cell membrane)
Concentration gradient The difference in concentration between two areas Larger the difference, faster the rate of diffusion
Tissue group of cells with similar structure and function
Differentiate different functions
Animal tissues include... muscle tissue(contract to bring out movement) glandular tissue(produce substances such as enzymes or hormones) epithelial tissue(covers some parts of the body)
Plant tissues include epidermal tissue(covers the plant) mesophyll(can photosynthesise) xylem and phloem(transport substances around the plant)
The digestive system in humans is adapted to exchange substances with the environment and includes... glands such as salivary and pancreas which produce digestive juices stomach and small intestine where digestion occurs liver which produces bile small intestine where absorption of soluble food occurs large intestine where water is absorbed from the undigested food producing faeces
Photosynthesis equation (+light energy) CO2+H2O------->glucose+oxygen
Photosynthesis 1.Co2 is taken in by the leaves and water from the roots 2. The chlorophyll in the chloroplasts traps the light energy 3. This energy is used to convert the co2 and water into glucose
Waste from photosynthesis Oxygen is released as a by-product Some of the glucose is converted into insoluble starch for storage
Iodine test Variegated leaves have patches of green(with chlorophyll) and white(without) Only the green patches will turn the iodine solution blue-black to show that starch has been made (photosynthesis)
Glucose uses: converted into soluble starch for storage respiration fats and oils for storage produce cellulose which strengthens cell walls produce proteins(through a supply of mineral and nitrate ions)
Rates affecting photosynthesis Temperature light CO2 levels
Factors affecting distribution of organisms T(emperature)om N(utrients)ever l(ight)ikes w(ater)asting Oxygen C(arbon)os d(ioxide)ead
Quadrats counts the number of particular plant or animal
Protein functions Structural components of tissue Hormones Anti-bodies Catalysts
Enzymes can... Build large molecules from many smaller ones Change one molecule into another one Break down larger molecules into smaller ones
Denatured Active site changes shape (stops enzymes working) affected by acid (too acidic or alkaline) and temp (too hot)
Amylase Produced by salivary glands, small intestine and pancreas catlalyses digestion of starch into sugars in mouth and small intestine
Protease Produced by stomach pancreas and small intestine, breaks down proteins into small amino acids in stomach and small intestine
Lipase produced by small intestine and pancreas catlyses breakdown of fats and oils into fatty acids and glycerol
Bile Squirted into the small intestine and neutralises the stomach acids. Makes conditions slightly alkaline
Enzymes work best in... Narrow pH range
Biological detergents Contain proteases and lipases that digest food stains. Work better at lower temperatures saving money and electricity
Isomerase Converts glucose into fructose. Fructose is much sweeter, less needed in foods = less fattening
Enzyme advantages Effective at removing stains Reduced energy and equipment costs used in medicine (diagnose, control, cure)
Enzyme disadvantages May enter waterways via sewage system Denatured at high temperatures and acidicy


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