Literary Terms Vocab


Vocabulary for mid-terms.
Falasteen Quran
FlashCards por Falasteen Quran, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Falasteen Quran
Criado por Falasteen Quran quase 2 anos atrás

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Divine Relating to a god
Loophole To escape or get away with something because there is a mistake
Epic A. Heroic N. Long poem
Avatar The incarnation of a god
Monomyth A classic story about a hero undertaking in a quest; a hero's journey
Hero Archytype Leave their family Go on quest Unusual birth Super-natural power Special Weapon Good guy Superhero
Shadow Archetype Envious of hero Steals something from hero Leads hero off course Have super-natural powers Special weapon and followers Bad guy Villan
Mentor Archetype Provides guidance to hero and is wiser than him Key role in shaping qualities of the hero Doesn’t do work for hero Teaches us no one can solve every problem alone Sage Teacher Advisor
Ally Archetype Assists hero May die for hero May be part of new world or original world May have supernatural powers Friend Sidekick
Shapeshifter Archytepe Transforms appearance to get what they want May trick or tempt the hero Can manipulate Demon
Threshold Archetype Keeps unworthy from entering Tests hero’s character and commitment to the journey May become the hero’s ally Hero may have to employ trickery, wit, or violence to get past Bodyguard Watchman Obstacle
Diwali Marks the day that Rama was victorious over Ravana and returns home with Sita
Dharma One’s duty in life determined by one’s social class, family, and age Following your dharma brings you peace Moral compass DUTY Lifelong obligation Child has dharma to parents
Karma Tally of the good and bad things one does in life Good karma may allow you to have a higher class in rebirth Doing something good for someone DAILY STEPS TO FUFILL DHARMA
Theme A universal understanding of the purpose of a text
Transformation Change into something better Something or someone evolving Change internally or externally Change into something new in apperance
Cope Doing something to make you feel better when something difficult happens
Dynamic Charecter A character that experiences personal change and growth over the course of the novel or story
Static Charecter A character that doesn’t experience personal change and growth over the course of the novel/story
Protagonist The main charecter who will experience the conflict of the story
Antagonist Anything in opposition to the protagonist
Setting Main location of a fictional narritive
Conflict The problem the charecter must go through with the antagonist
Flashback disturbing sudden vivid memory of an event in the past
Depression A period of time where you are sad/ marked with sadness Money declines in value Indention Ex: Family member passing
Hardship When you are going through something difficult and it's hard to suceed
Literal Language Words that mean exactly what they say
Figurative Language Words that mean different from what they say.
Exxagerations Saying something is better or worse than it is (physical size or importance)
Loathsome Causing hatred or disgust
Louisville Flood Historical event in 1937 Ohio river flooded Louisville African Americans suffered the most Houses destroyed causing people to live in poverty
Labor Unions an organized association of workers, often in a trade or profession, formed to protect and further their rights and interests
Hooverville a shantytown built by unemployed and destitute people during the Depression of the early 1930s.


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