Flashcards-Survey desing


Survey desing - flashcards Erika Rea
Erika S.
FlashCards por Erika S., atualizado more than 1 year ago
Erika S.
Criado por Erika S. quase 2 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is a questionnaire? Is a tool that allows gathering quantitative and qualitative data from individuals.
What is a response bias? We speak of response bias techniques when there is a discrepancy between the actual opinion of the respondent and the data in the completed form.
What is a double-barreled question? It combines two questions inside one.
What is leading question? Elicits the contestant to asnwer what the administrator is expecting.
What is a likert-scale? It's a rating scale, which contains statements of levels of agreement.
What does Jargon mean? It refers to special phrases or words that are used in a specific field or branch of differents professions.
What is pilot testing? Consists of giving a group of people the survey in order to check if the questions have problems, and to receive general feedback for the final survey.


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