Cards ism, fel, harf eg


FlashCards sobre Cards ism, fel, harf eg, criado por the lasting noor em 20-03-2023.
the lasting noor
FlashCards por the lasting noor, atualizado more than 1 year ago
the lasting noor
Criado por the lasting noor mais de 1 ano atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
فاكهة is Ism. Ism اسم is name of anything
Kitab is Ism اسم (name)
نَصَرَ Helping is F'el فعل(verb)
لِ = for - harf (حرف) It is to connect
Writing - kataba كَتَبَ is F'el فعل
Eating (اَكَلَ) is F'el فعل ( verb)
Saying قَالَ is F'el فعل (verb)
Horse is Ism (اسم) Running is f'el (فعل)
Tair طائر (bird) is ism (noun)
ب= with is harf (حرف)
على=on is harf حرف
The Beautiful House ُالبيتُ الجميل Both words are Ism


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