My own glosary


It is a brief of some terms used in education
Ricardo Haro Calero
FlashCards por Ricardo Haro Calero, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Ricardo Haro Calero
Criado por Ricardo Haro Calero mais de 1 ano atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
1. Paidología Study of children's play.
2. Pedagogía Science of education
3. Hebegogía Education of adolescents.
4. Andragogía Education of adults.
5. Ergología: Study of human work.
6. Paragogía: education in pairs.
7. Heutagogía: Self-directed learning.
8. Didáctica: Art of teaching.
9. Didáctica Digital: Teaching with digital technology.
10. Alumno: Person who learns.
14. Aprender: Acquire knowledge or skills.
15. Aprendibilidad: Capacity to learn.
11. Estudiante: Person who studies.
12. Aprendiz: Person in the process of learning.
13. Aprendiente: Person who is learning.


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