Vocabulary - period #2 - Group of Terminale


Year 13 English FlashCards sobre Vocabulary - period #2 - Group of Terminale, criado por Dominique TREMULOT em 11-11-2023.
Dominique TREMULOT
FlashCards por Dominique TREMULOT, atualizado 8 meses atrás
Dominique TREMULOT
Criado por Dominique TREMULOT 8 meses atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Une voie ferrée A rail track
Une liaison moléculaire A molecular /məˈlekjələ(r)/ bond
Les sommets d'un graphe The vertices of a graph
L'arête reliant deux sommets The edge connecting/linking two vertices
L'ordre d'un graphe est le nombre de ses sommets The order of a graph is the number of its vertices
Un graphe qui consiste en une seule boucle de sommets est appelé cycle A graph that consist of a single loop of vertices is called a cycle
Une ligne continue/un chemin continu A continuous stroke
Une poignée de main A handshake
A graph with every vertex connected to every other vertex A complete graph
A graph composed of two separate /ˈseprət/ sets of vertices; Every vertex is con- nected to all the vertices in the opposite set, but none of the vertices in its own set A bipartite /baɪˈpɑːtaɪt/ graph
Une centrale A utility plant
La disposition du village The layout of the village
A planar /ˈpleɪnə(r)/ graph A graph which can be drawn without overlapping edges
Les sommets ont été mélangés The vertices have been scrambled up
Un polyèdre A polyhedron /pɒliˈhiːdrən/ (plural polyhedra /pɒliˈhiːdrə/)
Un élastique An elastic /ɪˈlæstɪk/ band
Étendre, s'étendre, étirer, s'étirer To stretch out
Un échiquier A chessboard
\(1\times 2\times ...\times n\) \(n!\), read as \(n\) factorial /fækˈtɔːriəl/
Livrer des colis To distribute /dɪˈstrɪbjuːt/ parcels /ˈpɑːsl/
A cycle, in a graph, which visits every vertex exactly once An Hamiltonian cycle
Une puce électronique A microchip /ˈmaɪkrəʊtʃɪp/
Artificiel, arrangé, peu naturel Contrived /kənˈtraɪvd/
Il s'avère que... It turns out that...
Un lien entrant An incoming link


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