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Criado por FSI Croatian
aproximadamente 1 ano atrás
Questão | Responda |
tema | topic. theme |
prijam | official event, gathering, party |
prisustvuju | they are present, they are attending |
pozdraviti | to say hello |
prošli tjedan | last week |
Recite nam nešto o sebi. | Tell us something about yourself. |
sljedeći tjedan | next week |
područje | domain, area, territory |
Da počnemo! | Letâs start! |
organizirati | to organize |
Američka gospodarska komora | American Chamber of Commerce |
postati | to become |
stažirati | to do a practicum, internship |
steći radno iskustvo | to gain work experience |
unaprijediti | to advance |
suradnja | cooperation |
savjetnik, savjetinca | consultant, counselor |
poduzetništvo | entrepreneurship |
predstavnik, predstavnica | representative |
za civilno društvo | for civil society |
potpisati | to sign |
ugovor | an agreement (written) |
suradjivati | to cooperate |
pomagati | to help |
promicati | to promote |
suvremen | modern |
jačanje | strengthening |
prava žena | women's rights |
To je sve za danas. | This is all for today. |
boriti se | to fight |
naći | to find |
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