Music History - Level 1


music Music FlashCards sobre Music History - Level 1, criado por Benjamin Ray em 29-04-2024.
Benjamin Ray
FlashCards por Benjamin Ray, atualizado 10 meses atrás
Benjamin Ray
Criado por Benjamin Ray 10 meses atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What are the Eras of Western Musical History? Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical Romantic, 20th Century/Modern
Who are some famous composers from the Ancient era? Pythagoras, Martianus Capella
The countries from the ancient world that most influence modern western culture in music are: Greece and Italy (Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome)
The main style of music from the Medieval era is known as plainchant (later called Gregorian Chant)
Some famous Medieval composers to be aware of are: Nokter, Guido di Arezzo, Hildegard von Bingen
The Renaissance Era was highly influenced by: The printing press (Gutenberg), intonation systems, the Protestant movement (Martin Luther), and Humanism (being able to express yourself)
Renaissance composers to know include: Ockeghem, Josquin Des Pres, Claudio Monteverdi, Palestrina
Baroque music was known for: complexity, interweaving polyphony, strict rules for both melody and form, called "common practice period", focusing on specific modes: Major and minor
Some famous composers of the Baroque era include: Bach, Handel, Pachelbel
The Classical Era is characterized by: Being lighter, lots of music written for dancing, heterophony (one main sound supported by the rest of the group)
Famous classical composers include: Haydn, Mozart Also early music from: Beethoven and Schubert (both of these guys transitioned into Romantic Era)
The Romantic era of music history is characterized by: Strong emotions, writing music about stories and events (called programmatic), an expansion into Nationalism (writing music for your country), and increased Chromaticism
Romantic composers to be aware of include: Chopin, Beethoven, Schubert, Schumann, Wagner, Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Mahler, Strauss (lots of names as city-states allowed a lot more musicians)
19th Century Music/modernism is characterized by: Increased chromaticism, experimentation, breaking out of form, minimalism, mixing genres of music, eventually adding electronic composition
19th Century/modernism composers to be aware of include: Schoenberg, Stravinsky, Debussy, Bartok, Ives, Gershwin, Vebern, John Cage


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