Enneagram name -> number, center and dominant emotion


Enneagram name -> number, center and dominant emotion
Maria B
FlashCards por Maria B, atualizado 2 meses atrás
Maria B
Criado por Maria B 2 meses atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
The Reformer Type 1 Center: Instinctive Dominant emotion: Anger or Rage
The Helper Type 2 Center: Feeling Dominant emotion: Shame
The Achiever Type 3 Center: Feeling Dominant emotion: Shame
The Individualist Type 4 Center: Feeling Dominant emotion: Shame
The Investigator Type 5 Center: Thinking Dominant emotion: Fear
The Loyalist Type 6 Center: Thinking Dominant emotion: Fear
The Enthusiast Type 7 Center: Thinking Dominant emotion: Fear
The Challenger Type 8 Center: Instinctive Dominant emotion: Anger or Rage
The Peacemaker Type 9 Center: Instinctive Dominant emotion: Anger or Rage


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