

Darcey Griffiths
FlashCards por Darcey Griffiths, atualizado 8 dias atrás
Darcey Griffiths
Criado por Darcey Griffiths 8 dias atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Ecology definition The study of living things and their interactions with each other and their environment.
Population definition An interbreeding group of organisms of the same species occupying a particular habitat
Ecosystems definition A characteristic community of interdependent species interacting with the abiotic components of their habitat.​
Birth rate definition The reproductive capacity of a population; the number of new individuals derived from reproduction per unit time
Population definition All the members of one species in an area that can breed with each other.
Community definition All the members of all species in an area.
Habitat definition ​The place in an ecosystem where an organism lives.
Immigration definition The movement of individuals into a population of the same species
Equilibrium species definition Species that control their population by competition rather than by reproduction and dispersal
Factors controlling population size Intensity of energy flowing through an ecosystem varies Biological cycles eg nitrogen cycle vary the mineral availability Habitats change over time as succession occurs New species arrive and some are no longer present Climate change alters habitats
What determines population size Birth rate, Immigration= increase pop Death rate or mortality,Emigration= decrease pop When combined effects of birth and immigration exceed death and emigration pop increases
Population size- fugitive/ equilibrium Different strategies for population growth are used by different species, depending on characteristics- there's fugitive and equilibrium species
Fugitive Fugitive species are poor at competition- instead rely on large capacity for reproduction/ dispersal to increase numbers- invade a new environment rapidly
Equilibrium species Control population by competition in a stable habitat- usual pattern of growth is sigmoid- s shaped- curve called one step growth curve
Diagram of pop growth p64
Niche definition The role of an organism in an ecosystem, generally a feeding role.
Biotic All the living and organic components of an ecosystem.
Abiotic All the non-living parts of an ecosystem.


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