Criado por Sarah Egan
aproximadamente 9 anos atrás
Questão | Responda |
Congenital | present from birth |
Connoisseur | person with refined taste and good judgment |
Consecrate | declare sacred |
Consensus | general agreement |
Conspicuous | easily seen; prominent |
Consummate | complete; total; supremely good |
Contemporary | from the same time, or from the present time |
Contiguous | adjacent; touching; abutting |
Contrite | sorry; remorseful |
Contrition | sorrow and repentance |
Contumacious | stubborn; disobedient |
Contusion | a bruise |
Conundrum | a puzzle |
Conventional | usual; customary; common |
Corpulent | fat |
Corrugated | bent in folds |
Counterfeit | fake; false |
Covert | hidden; undercover |
Cower | recoil in fear; shrink away from |
Credible | believable |
Creditable | praiseworthy |
Credulous | gullible; willing to believe |
Crepuscular | active at twilight |
Cringe | recoil; flinch; shrink from |
Cryptic | puzzling; enigmatic |
Culpability | guilt; blameworthiness |
Cumbersome | bulky; difficult to carry |
Curtail | cut short; diminish |
Cynical | distrusting the motives of others |
Damp | reduce in extent; deaden |
Debility | weakness; incapacity |
Debunking | exposing false claims or myths |
Decathlon | an athletic contest with ten events |
Decorum | dignified, correct behavior |
Decoy | lure; trap; trick |
Deference | respect |
Defoliate | cause loss of leaves |
Defunct | no longer in existence |
Degradation | deprivation; poverty; debasement |
Deleterious | harmful; injurious |
Deliberate | slow; on purpose; to think about |
Delineation | demarcation; explanation; definition; outlining |
Demagogue | mob leader (appeals to passion/prejudice) |
Demur | hesitate; object |
Denounce | condemn; speak out against |
Deplete | use up; lessen |
Deplore | regret |
Depravity | moral corruption |
Deprecate | criticize; denounce |
Deride | ridicule; make fun of; mock |
Derogatory | disparaging |
Desecrate | to damage or pollute a holy place |
Desecration | make something sacred profane; treat with sacrilege |
Desist | stop; cease |
Despondent | showing or feeling hopeless |
Destitution | hardship; poverty; misery |
Deter | put off; prevent |
Deteriorate | worsen; decline |
Detrimental | harmful |
Devoured | consumed greedily |
Dexterity | skill; agility |
Dexterous | skillful in using hands or body |
Diaphanous | sheer; transparent |
Dichotomy | division into two opposing parts |
Didactic | instructive; inclined to teaching |
Diffident | lacking confidence; shy |
Digress | deviate from topic or path |
Dike | dam; embankment; ditch |
Dilatory | tardy; tending to delay |
Dilemma | difficult, perplexing choice |
Dilettante | someone who studies or takes up an activity superficially |
Diligent | hard-working |
Diorama | constructed model of a scene |
Dirge | mournful song (usually funeral) |
Disapprobation | condemnation; disapproval |
Discern | distinguish; recognize |
Discord | disagreement; difference of opinion |
Discrepancy | inconsistency; difference |
Discriminate | distinguish between things based on type |
Discursive | rambling; argumentative |
Disdain | contempt; despise |
Disinterested | impartial; unbiased |
Disparage | criticize; belittle |
Disparity | inequality; difference |
Dispassionate | neutral; objective |
Dispatch | send |
Disseminating | spreading widely; broadcasting |
Diurnal | active in daytime |
Divert | distract; detour |
Docile | easily managed or trained |
Dogmatic | opinionated |
Dolt | dull, stupid person |
Dotard | feeble-minded older person |
Drawl | speak in a slow drawn out manner |
Drivel | nonsense |
Droll | dryly amusing; whimsical |
Dubious | doubtful |
Dupe | to fool someone |
Dynamic | lively; vibrant; energetic |
Ebullient | enthusiastic; high spirited |
Eccentric | unusual; odd; peculiar |
Eclectic | comprised of different sources |
Edifice | large building or organization |
Efface | wipe out; erase |
Effigy | a model of a person, usually for ridicule |
Effrontery | boldness; audacity |
Effusive | overflowing; demonstrative |
Egalitarianism | belief in equality |
Egregious | extraordinary, in a negative way; flagrant |
Egress | exit |
Ellipsis | omission of words from a sentence, or marks to illustrate this (…) |
Eloquent | fluent and persuasive in speech |
Elucidate | explain; make clear |
Elusive | evasive; hard to pin down |
Emaciated | very thin; withered |
Emancipate | free from restraint |
Embezzle | defraud; steal |
Embroil | bring into conflict |
Emerge | come forth; arise |
Emulate | imitate in attempt to surpass |
Encomium | expression of praise |
Endorse | approve |
Endurance | staying power; patience; stamina |
Enduring | permanent; lasting |
Enfranchise | give voting rights |
Engender | cause; beget |
Enhance | improve; make better |
Enigma | puzzle; mystery |
Ensconce | settle securely |
Enshroud | conceal |
Enunciation | pronunciation; pronouncement |
Envenom | to embitter |
Ephemeral | short-lived; transitory |
Epicure | a person with refined taste in food and drink |
Epistemology | theory of knowledge |
Epistle | a letter |
Epistolary | related to letters; through correspondence |
Epitomized | typified; characterized; personified |
Equivocate | speak ambiguously; avoid telling the truth |
Err | make a mistake |
Erratic | irregular |
Esoteric | obscure; understood by few |
Espouse | adopt (a cause); marry |
Etymology | the study of word origins |
Eulogy | praise, or speech praising someone |
Euphemism | a mild or polite phrase to cover something offensive |
Euphony | agreeable harmonious sounds |
Evacuate | vacate; empty |
Exacerbate | make worse |
Exasperated | frustrated; annoyed |
Exceptionable | objectionable |
Exculpate | clear someone from blame; vindicate |
Execrable | abominable; very bad |
Exegesis | explanation or interpretation of text |
Exemplary | serving as an example |
Exemplify | to serve as a good example |
Exhaustive | comprehensive; thorough |
Exonerates | acquits; absolves |
Exorcism | expelling (of evil spirits) |
Expatriate | someone living away from home country |
Expedient | convenient; practical |
Expedite | hasten; speed up |
Exposition | clear explanation |
Extant | still in existence |
Extirpate | exterminate; destroy totally |
Extirpation | wiping out; complete destruction |
Extol | praise |
Extradite | deport from one country to another |
Extraneous | irrelevant |
Extrapolate | infer from what is known |
Extrinsic | external |
Fallacious | false |
Falter | hesitate; waver |
Fanatical | obsessive; fixated |
Fastidious | overly particular; painstaking |
Fatuous | silly; foolish |
Feasible | possible; suitable |
Feckless | ineffective; lazy |
Fecund | fertile |
Feint | move to deceive an opponent |
Felicitous | apt; appropriate |
Fervor | passion; enthusiasm |
Fickle | unpredictable; changeable |
Finesse | skill |
Fitful | not continuous; recurring irregularly |
Flagrant | shockingly obvious |
Flamboyant | showy; ornate |
Flaunt | show off; parade conspicuously |
Flippant | lacking in seriousness |
Flout | defy; treat with disdain |
Flustered | agitates; excited |
Foppish | vain; overly concerned with appearance |
Forensic | concerned with public debate (usually legal) |
Fortitude | bravery |
Fortuitous | happening by chance; fortunate |
Fractious | irritable; unruly |
Fraudulent | fake; false |
Frivolous | not serious |
Froward | contrary; disobedient |
Frugal | economical |
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